

The Sadist.. part 10
“I’m not helpless you know, hurry off so that you can hurry back.” Reeves grabs me around the neck and pulls me in giving me a hard passionate kiss. My legs wobble and I’m breathing heavily when he lets me go. The smoldering look in his eyes makes me want to moan but I know Donovan is watching. That’s twice he has got me all worked up and left me hanging. I scowl at him and he gives a ghost of a smile, winks and turns heading for the door. Even if I do want to spend time with Donovan, I don’t like watching him leave.
“Don’t worry mommy, dad always comes back. He loves you a lot, always has. Now that you’re home he won’t have to leave as much.” I turn and look down at Donovan who is grinning ear to ear. Yup he definitely gets that from me. I can’t help but smile down at him.
“You’re right hun, he has what he wants now. Now how about you tell me how you knew who I was the moment I came in that door?” Donovan seems slightly confused when he takes my hand.
“Dad said you got quite a nasty zap of electricity before coming here and that you might not remember everything. I’ll try and help you jog your memory mom.” Ok, now I am completely confused but I’m grown enough to know there is something sneaky going on. Donovan leads me through a living room, a room of it’s own for a table and chairs, an incredibly high tech kitchen and up a flight of stairs. We stop at a blue door at the top of the stairs. The blue door is the only splash of color I have seen in the entire home. All the white, black and tan does not count as color. This home needs some desperate changes.
“This is my room.” Donavan touches his hand to the small black screen. The door slides open and I’m in awe. Donavan has the window shade pulled, a machine in the corner is lit up pushing a moving image into mid air. It’s showing different colored balls that are moving around a very bright one in the center. The image is at eye level with me, and beautiful.
“What is this Donovan?” He smiles dropping down next to a shelf and pulling two large books off of it and placing them on a desk against the wall.
“It’s a projector, this one here is our planet, it’s called Earth. These other ones are the 8 other in our solar system. I try not to look like a complete idiot and now knowingly,
“Of course, it’s beautiful honey.” He nods slightly,
“I built the projector myself. Dad wouldn’t buy me one out right but he bought me everything I needed to build it… Mom…” Donovan looks at his feet like he is worried,
“I want us to be honest with each other; can we do that?” I forget the beautiful glowing image in the air and kneel down in front of Donovan.
“That has always been what I wanted sweety. I don’t like secrets.” Donovan works his hands vigorously,
“I know… I know in your dome that there wasn’t much education or anyone to help you learn. I don’t want you to pretend in front of me. If you don’t know something I can help you learn it if you want? Make copies of my lessons for you? We don’t have to tell anyone.” Tears fill my eyes, his thoughtfulness to help me, his momma he doesn’t know pulls hard on my heart.
“Come here.” I wrap my arms around my little man and just hold him. Even at six he’s pretty strong.
“I would love that baby, but I fear your lessons are much to advance for me. Very sweet thought though.” He pulls back and wipes my tears from my cheeks.
“Nonsense, dad will get you everything you need and I will help you. You got this mom!” I smile and wipe my tears.
“Ok, OK, OK, Ahh, no more tears Donovan. Let’s be happy. Show me what you pulled out.” He turns to the desk and opens the book. They’re pictures of me back at PMX-2 doing various things as I go about my day. There are even a few that look like I intentionally posed for them. How did Reeves get these? If I didn’t really care for him he’d be a complete stalker. That, plus he had his Guard stalk me. Everytime I thought I was alone, I wasn’t. Over all, he made sure Donovan knew he had a mother who loved him as he grew up.
“Dad always said you loved me and wanted me to have these; that you took major risks to get these sent even if you couldn’t send me notes or letters. Do you love me momma?” I look up from the book of pictures at my baby boy and see the same look of insecurity I’ve seen on his father.
“I have loved you from the moment I knew I was pregnant. You have always been my little man. You’re daddy could get you out of PMZ-2 but I had to stay for a little while longer. I bared that burdon happily knowing you were safe with your dad.” There is no way I could knowingly ruin the happy childhood Reeves gave our son, he did the best he could.
“Come on honey, show me the rest of the house?” Donavan jumps in the air repeatedly,
“Of course I will, you’re going to love it.” Donavan leads me to the top floor of our home.
“I figure we can start here. This is the activities floor. Pool, workout room, then my favorite, the tinker room as I like to call it. It’s where I built the projector. There is also an outdoor patio where you can see all the bustle of the city. Donovan speaks more clearly and properly than 90% of the adults in PMZ-2. He is going to be one hell of a catch for any young woman when he becomes of age. He is like his father but I haven’t seen that emotionless side yet. Hopefully he didn’t get that scary quirk; but he might I just may not have seen it yet. I am learning how to tame the beast… The Sadist. A little version of my own blood can’t be all that harder to control. I’ll attack that problem if and when it arises.
“Definitely a lot to keep one busy. Do you have any books here?” Donovan waves me toward the stairs,
“Do we ever, come on, you’re gonna love this.” Donovan's excitement has me taking him by the hand and running down the steps with him. As we pass doors he tells me what they are.
“Dad’s wing, he’ll show you that, bathroom, spare room, another spare room, sitting area and this.” He stops at double doors so giddy with glee he can barely stand still. We both take a handle of the double doors and push at the same time. Oh my,
“This is the second floor of the library.” Floor to ceiling are shelves and shelves of books. It’s circular in construction. I walk to the railing and look down to see the lower level has just as many books plus sitting chairs, a piano and a huge payne of glass in the same spot on the lower level as the top letting in so much natural light. To my right is a spiral staircase going down to the first floor.
“Donavan, this is amazing. How many have you read?” He talks from my right over by the steps.
“A few, the text in many of them is beyond me for now but I know I’ll eventually be able to understand them when I get older. COme on, the steps are pretty cool. They wiggle when you walk on them. Don’t worry you won’t fall.” We spend quite some time together looking through the books and pulling out star maps. Who would have thought that he actually exist? I would have bet a weeks worth of food against it.
“I could spend weeks looking at these, they’re almost magical. Don’t you think?” Donovan nods eagerly.
“I am having fun making things up with you.no ones ever done that with me before. Agatha is about solid facts, rules, discipline and children being quiet and not heard. It’s lonely when dad leaves.” Donovan looks like he has more to say but is with holding. He’s making sure he can trust me before he confides.
“Well it’s a good things I’m finally home then huh? If momma ain’t happy, nobodies happy. I’m here for good Donovan, you’re not going to be left alone with Agatha or anyone else ever again.” He smiles gently before quickly changing the topic.
“Do you like movies? Want to see all the ones dad bought me? He’s bought some for you too, hoping they would interest you when you came home.” I’ve never heard of movies.
“Honesty is the best policy Donovan. I have no idea what movies are.” He looks shocked.
“No way! Oh man this is going to be epic momma. They’re all in the living room by the TV.” DOnavan grabs my hand and all but pulls me out of the library.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” There is a blonde woman dressed immaculately covered in jewels with huge curly hair. Her shoes are so high heeled I’m surprised she can walk in them.
“Mom, this is aunt Talia. Talia this is my mom Jolene. You’re early Aunt Talia.” Talia looks down her nose at Donovan, then looks up at me with disgust.
“I had to get a look at you before my brother dearest came home. He always had his quirks but this… you? My, my he must be feeling generous to have picked you. He could have had anyone, anyone in AFM-4 but he decides a cheap gutter rat should be by his side.” A knife sinks into the wall next to Talia’s head and she screams.
“I didn’t miss Aunit Talia, you talk to my mom like that again and I’ll sink my next throw between your eyes.” I look down at Donovan And see the emotionless mask of Reeves plastered to his little face. My little man is gone right now. Talia glowers at him.
“You little animal! AGATHA! Bring the tazer, AGATHA!” Taser?!? I step in front of Donovan,
“Did you just tell Agatha to taze my son?” Talia makes a mistake and comes closer to me. She bends down,
“How else do you think she deals with the rotten little creature when Reeves is away? Taze him unconscious and lock him in the broom closet.” I’m smacking Talia before I fully realize I’ve done it. Her head knocks to the side and I scream jumping into the air to pounce on her. I am caught around the waist and chucked backwards landing on my butt against the wall. I look up to see Reeves coming at me when Donavan gets in between us and holds another knife up at his father. Reeves looks shocked and goes to lift his hand and I scream.
“STOP! Reeves no!” I scramble to my feet and get between them. I give Reeves my back, focusing fully on Donovan.
“Donavan sweety, look at mommy.” His eyes blink a few times leaving Reeves and meeting mine.
“There you are my boy, come on, you know daddy wouldn’t hurt mommy. He loves me… Give me the knife.” Donovan looks back at Reeves and nods.
“He threw you down though.” Donovan hands me the knife. I immediately hand it back to Reeves who takes it.
“Daddy just got home, he doesn’t know why I hit your Aunt Talia. But don’t worry, daddy will understand soon ok? You’re safe and so is mommy because daddy is here.” Donovan wraps his arms around my neck and holds on tightly, he is shaking in my arms. Talia shrieks behind me.
“He’s a wild creature Reeves and that bitch tried to kill me right after he failed.” Donovan immediately stops shaking and looks at Talia.
“I didn’t miss, I hit exactly where I meant too.” Emotionless once again; he looks up at Reeves.
“She called my momma a cheap gutter rat. She always calls me names. I’m use to it but no one gets to call my mom that, no one.” Reeves gets the same look on his face as Donovan and kneels down so they are eye to eye. Aw shit, I can’t possibly talk them both down at the same time. I just have to believe Reeves has more practiced control than Donovan.
“Tell me everything Donavan.” Donavan glares at his dad.
“I tried once but you shushed me and said we would talk when you got home. That was 3 weeks later and I was at Agatha’s mercy because she overheard me. You wouldn’t listen then…” Reeves’s tone becomes more gentle.
“I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere, talk to me son. Let me make it right.” Donovan nods,
“Agatha is evil. If I don’t get my lessons correct the first time she hits me. Aunt Talia comes over a lot and yells at me, calling me names. When I finally lose my temper Agatha tazes me until I pass out. I always wake up locked in the broom closet and am not let out until I apologize. The longest I spent in the closet was 2 weeks. I use to ask you to stay because they wouldn’t hurt me while you were here, but I knew you had to get mom so I put up with it. All in all she will NOT treat my mom that way. I’ll kill her first, understand?” Reeves nods.
“We will talk more later, right now…” Reeves jumps to his feet and lunges at Talia. His fist leaves a huge hole in the wall next to her head. Talias eyes get huge as quarter.
“Reeves no, he’s lying. I’m your sister.” Reeves shakes his head.
“Don’t… I left my son in the hands of people I thought I could trust. You are no sister of mine Talia, if I ever see you again, even in passing, I will kill you. Same for Agatha since she is obviously a spy for father. You better find Agatha before she comes back tomorrow. Now get out of my house.” Talia doesn’t move, she huffs and looks like she wants to speak but Reeves cuts her off.
“Don’t be stupid, your life will end today Talia. No one will ever find your body. Get out.” Talia runs for the door as another rich looking woman walks in. She takes in the scene,
“What’s happened, where’s Agatha?” Reeves steps between his mom and Donovan and I,
“Talia will fill you in, get the fuck out of my house.” I don’t see her reaction I just hear them leave. Reeves walks over to a black screen on the wall.
“Yes Sir.” Reeves speaks slow and emotionlessly.
“Plans have changed, get the movers here. Pack it all up now, we leave by nightfall, bring twice as many men.”
“Yes sir, at once.” Reeves comes back to Donavan and I. Donavan is again sitting on my lap. Reeves sits down on the floor and pulls up both against him. He holds us tightly.
“Donavan, did your grandpa ever come over, did he know?” Donovan shakes his head.
“He never came, I don’t know if he knew… I’m sorry I was bad daddy. Please don’t be mad at me, I didn’t mean to be mad.” Reeves lifts Donavan’s face to his.
“You were never bad my son, you’re just like your daddy. I’m sorry I didn’t pay closer attention. I’ll help you understand it and control it.” Reeves continous to hold us until a loud knock sounds at the door; it must be the movers. We all get to our feet. Donovan and I stay put while Reeves gets the door. Within minutes the house is full of men, boxes, tape and wrapping paper. Donovan sprints up the stairs at lightning speed. He must need to grab something. I stay where Donavan left me since I have nothing to pack. Donovan is back with a box of things. I look inside and see his projector and the two books of my photos. He beams,
“I had to get the important stuff.” Donovan and I try to stay out of the way the best we can. It’s probably an hour or so of us sitting around and talking; catching up when Reeves steps in front of us. He kneels down.
“The house will be fully packed by tonight and on the market by dawn. I am giving you both a choice, we’ll make a decision together. We can either go straight back to PMZ-2 and set up home or we can go on a much needed vacation where we will get married and then go back to PMZ-2. I’ll let you two talk it over.” I look down at Donovan who smiles at me; together we both say,
“Vacation.” Reeves grins. I quirk a brow at him.