

The cry was faint but I heard it loud and clear as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source. I walked slowly through the bushy path still battling with my mind whether to go on or turn back. The cry became louder as I moved on. And lo, there was a baby kept on the grass crying out loudly. At this point, confusion flooded my mind. I didn't know whether take the baby or leave it there. I made up my mind to leave the baby there for someone better to take it. As I made to leave, the cry of the baby got louder as if saying ‘‘take me with you, take me with you’’. The cry touched my heart and I took the baby in my arms. In no time, the baby stopped crying because it felt comfort and security in my arms. We are like this missing child, crying in the dark bush. Then God finds us, carries us and tells us it will all be fine. It will surely hurt, but learn to hold on cry out loudly to God. He doesn't hear our cries and turn his back on us because he's too faithful to fail us!