

Pull Yourself Together

Again , this is just a poem,so please those of you who worry, please don’t !

Pull Yourself Together

There will be a time when it all goes down and you don’t know what to do or where to begin, the sky is falling and it all comes crashing through !

Hold on tight , pull yourself together and always remain true !

There will be days when you want to quit the fight but never give up , it will be alright !

There will be moments of endless silence and isolation , the feeling of nothingness upon occasion !

In a cold and lonely city will linger negative thoughts and self pity!

Life can be a monotonous maze that leaves the mind in a melancholy daze!

It is time to get up and get outside this box of rage that is stuck inside this miserable cage !

There are growing pains in each new stage , but eventually the next chapter will start a brand new page !

Pull yourself together and out of your slumber because you are not a bag of heavy lumber that is strictly a worthless number !

Find a happy place and put that smile back on your face !

Pull yourself together! Use your inner strength at any length to gain control and one day soon, you will again be whole!

Jill4570 Aka Jillie Bee 🐝
(Jill Ledsky)

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