

My Feminism : Part 1

Asking no questions when a girl is filling up a form of an occupation which has never have had a woman

Asking no questions when she wants to study instead of sitting at home and learning how to cook so that one day she could get married off well

Asking no questions when she wants to focus on her career before she wants to start a family or even get married

Asking no questions when she owns her sexuality better than a man

Asking no question when she denies to sign a piece of paper with idiotic words like " no pregnancies, no marriages till this contract ends"

Asking her no questions when she wants to have a child when she is at the boom of a career


She should not be put on blame for not being a stay at home mum and taking care of her child evey minute of her life

Every mother makes sure she gives the best to her children. The difference is few of them devote their life to the children and few of them part their time for work and children.
It is all about priorities and
Stop demeaning women for that!

Feminism means blaming no woman for being a "bad" mum because she divided her time for her children and her work.

She should not be blamed for not taking care of the house, of her husband and children the way they wanted to be taken care of.

Every decision has its own pro and cons:
Having a stay at home wife and mum has its own perks and having a mother or a wife who is working, has its own perks.

Feminism means blaming no woman being characterless or the famous phrase of our neighbours " extremely independent " because she doesn't want to live with her parents and wants to live on her own .

© poetic_parade

Let me know your views on this post and feminism in the comments..

let the people who need to know the definition of feminism read this or any genuine post..at the end of the day it is about the change and awareness

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