

Hindus jaag jao

Muslims r have more unity, For dem There Islaam is bigger den anything, Religion is bigger den country also, dere dey r standing unitedly,

Hindus, are divided by subcastes like gujar sena,Bhimsena, dalit sena,karnisena,Thakur sena,Shivsena,Patel sena,Jatt sena,Lingyat sena
Coz hindus r not considered demselves just hindus and dey r not bothered abt hindustan too,
dey just love to fight for reservation,dere want seats in colleges nd in govt jobs, dey r only bothered abt which party will give petrol in less price, dey dont wnt to see d future
Business community wants to earn blackmoney, as current govt is not able to make blackmoney,just for dere selfish need is imp, dey keep on migrating frm one party to another party, coz for dem money is more imp den hindusim nd reservation is bigger den hindustan,

So in all dis have u tght where is hindu?, British ruled our country on d basis of divide nd rule policy, coz dey knw hindus r easy to divide in dere subcastes nd fulfill dere selfish nd greedy needs,

With dis funda ,british able to rule hindustan nd hindus too, Still after 70 yrs of independence hindus r not able to learn frm dere mistakes, dey r giving opportunity to other communities to rule over dem, coz for dem nor religion nor Hindustan is imp or reservation is imp?

Hindus r always accept nd respect d other religion, hindus have given very gud example of secularism nd tolerant hindus,coz dey r more open minded nd educated, dey r not kattar like muslims, but its gud to b secular, but sometimes too gud is also taken liberty nd advantage by other religions nd communities.
Same formula is applied by Sonia gandhi, she is born in italy, her heart is in italy,but mind is in india, because india is an route to swiss bank, she also plays d same policy of divide nd rule d hindus, Appeasement of minorities nd divide d majorities with subcastes,

Always create an wall between minorities nd majorities, actually dis wall has been broken so many yrs before only, but congress party nd sonia gandhi nd its mahagathbandhan keeps on building dis wall between Brahmin nd dalit, between hindu nd muslim
Other religion knws d weekness of hindus, dat dey r more subcaste conscious, so for other communities it is easy to divide hindus in dere subcastes.

This is how hindus r divided in votes, in election, ,Any election party spks d benefit of subcaste ,dey jump for dat, on d whole dey forget dat dey r hindus first coz ,whether u r patel or dalit, but first u r hindu,hindus doesnt able to see d wider perspective of dere religion, dere hindustan, dere unity, dey just wnt to b benefited in smaller levels, on d cost of dere hindu religion, or least bothered abt hindustan.Actually we hindus r always used nd want us to control by foreigners.we dont hve confidence in ourselves.

My dear hindus, can we think abt country rather den our subcastes, can we stand unitedly, instead of looking for smaller seats benefits, how hardik patel sold his patel comunity votes to congress for reservation nd seats, bhim sena party will sell votes to corrupt parties like mayawati or akhliesh yadav, dis is our small mentality, we dont love or want our country shld in save govt ,in safe hands, or govt who is fighting against terriorism or corruption,but we want reservation, y we want resveartion, r we r not educated ,or earning well? Den y dis greed? Every party is fooling us by giving greed for petty things.

Simple question y we wnt jatt sena, patel sena, bhimsena,karni sena,Gujar sena?????
we want to b part of dis sena ?Subcaste sena?or we want to stand unitedly nd proud to say we r hindustanis ,we r indians?

We r living in 21st century nd we nd to forget d past if we live in past den we r not able to grow with time ,nd not able to move on, we r all educated nd all castes,religion had given equal citizen rights, we all have equal democratic rghts, den y we want different subcaste sena? When we r indians, constititution have given all indians equal rghts,den y we r dividing ourselves in dalitsena or patel sena? Nor at 21st centuary nor dalit nor patel is being tortured, only politcians, r torturing r creating dis difference.we need to stop dis .

we want to.support such subcaste sena den politicains nd congres party will always able to divide hindus in dere subcaste nd easily make d votebank,nd always try to put communal difference in hindus unity nd dere subcaste politics nd do subcaste votes politics.

I will request my all frnds plz stand unitedly, plz vote For Bjp, coz bjp is only an Equal caste nd secular party,which beleive in giving equalities to all religion, all genders ,one law, one country, If u really Want dat ur religion shld b saved ,no party able to divide hindus on just subcaste parties ,doing subcaste politics, So make d party who is actually an fair party,

I will request Mr modi, plz stop reservation on caste nd subcaste basis, coz reservation nd seats had created communal barrier nd partiality vote bank in hindustanis. It is dividing all indians nd hindus in subcaste. gujar sena or jatt sena had forget dat deyr hindus first ,hindustani first, but dey wnt seats so loveto b part of small subcaste community
So would request Pm Remove Reservation on caste basis, Stop Apeasement of one community make it on income based, person who is below poverty line will b benefited by reservations nd seats.high caste poor is left nd lowclass rich is benefited, dis appeasement nd partiality shld b stopped, only poor of any caste will b benefited.

Needy nd poor people shld b benefited.
I will request all hindustanis if we all decide dat reservation will b on merit basis nd income basis, All shld boycott reservation, we shld not give any political party a chance to divide us ,If we keep on begging nd asking den Parties like congress,Sp will always take undue advantage of indians nd succeed hindus to divide in subcaste,

we shld not give opportunity to such political parties, Nd not to support any party leader also like hardik patel or chandrsekhar Or jnu leader kaniya Kumar, Kaniya kumar already studies in jnu frm reservaion he got opportunity now for what he is fighting with govt, what else seats he want? Unnecarry provoking youth for no reason. Such elements shld b boycotted.

© Geetika Gupta