

Loyalty Last episode
a Prince Xen in warrior dress was looking so handsome. Prince was fully confident that he would win the war. Many men of the prince were soldiers in Jankong's army. It was a hard time for Jankong. Siu with his army attacked the prince but he was defeated. Prince captured him. Then they start moving towards the palace. One after another attack, prince Xen fought bravely and remain steadfast. Now it was time to entered the palace. Jankong was trying to escape from the palace with his family. But he was failed. Prince Xen army men captured him. All corrupt ministers were captured. Now they all were culprits, corrupts, and cruel. They all brought in front of prince Xen. Prince was sitting on the throne. Now prince stands and moves forward. Jankong prince said, "You thought you will be escaped easily. you committed many crimes. You not only my enemy but you are enemy of this country. you torched poor people. You are indeed a cruel man". You deserved the death penalty. After this prince said you all be punished who collaborated with Jankong.The next day Jankong brought in front of the public. Prince cut off his head and hang his head in Justice's place. All other Corrupt people were punished. Prince ends up slavery, he introduced the new reforms for poor people, he granted high status to honest people. Now it was the golden era of prosperity. Prince now took the oath and become king. "I will be loyal to my country till my death".Zhou and xe put the crown on King's head. King worked sincerely for his people. soon people start saying him a great king. Now he was a great king. Today was a gala all around the country. There was cheering and enjoyment. All were waiting for the king's arrival. When king comes everyone raised the slogan "Long live Great king ". people showered flowers over the king. Then King addresses Indeed you all are great, I'm thankful to you for such a great welcome. I remembered the words of my father" be loyal to your people, loyalty will make you great King ".indeed my father was right. Then the king starts the gala celebration with a lightning scents candle. All raised slogans, King smiles.
The end 🥰🥰🥰🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🦋🦋
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