

fake thay yar wo
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.
# my experience
# my fake friends

I had so many friends but only 2 best friends they were toxic they always ignored me they always made fun of me one day they left me I felt sad but I became so strong that I can tolerate any thing now

if you have any toxic friend leave them now because they will just make you dull and depressed

it's ok if you don't have someone better but you deserve better you will get better 😊😊😌😊😊😌 😊😊😌 😊😊😌
be happy be smile

# happiness#smile

I am so proud of you I am your friend

and it's my experience they make me depressed
but now I am fine (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ (;-_-)ノ