

I hardly lie
I don't know how to say it, I often try to reach them somehow but each time I get disappointed due to the response I got from them, got atall no response Hollywood singers like Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Katty Perry, Nessa Barrett, Babe rexha, naika and etc have used many of my writeups for their songs which I wrote in fb page of mine Australian fb friend at 2015-16 and then been got blocked by her. I am not complaining about this here I am just trying to say whatever happened to me in my life related to this issue.
Hello I am kartik and I am the highest number of Hollywood songs writer but due to the fraud done to me from that girl Australian fb friend, no appreciation and credit on behalf of those singers, have not received from me. I don't know if I hate it or not but I definitely don't like the way they say the story for writing those songs, if they don't write them, they are not actors they are singers,
Few of my writeups are below
Astronaut in the ocean
Wrap in plastic
Say my name Babe rexha
Dying on the inside Nessa Barrett
Shape of you
And many more song sing by various singer
Even more than half of Badshah song Bollywood are my stolen write ups and work take up from that same page that I wrote those Hollywood song too .
I don't know how easily they pretend that they have wrote them when they know that they haven't wrote them these are mine wrote work. No one in my family and friends think that I am saying truth, you all will also consider me mad what saying such things.
But the truth is truth. If not today someday I will have my rights, I deserve all the respect and love from the singers. And I know they know about me just the time is not right for my shine, but sometime someday the time will also play I will have my name in golden words in the sky.

© vofhavp