

Bending the Arrow
Have you ever been so baffled by someone's sheer stuck on stupid that it rendered you speechless? See, I am asking because I have not been baffled by anyone other than myself, to the point I am fucking speechless. Hell, if there was someone stuck on stupid or baffled by their own bullshit that I baffled them with first, that would be broadcasted live at the Landing Pad.

Needless to say that I have been sitting on the porch, pouring my ugly ass attitude out, in the appropriate place, for privileged personal only, and folks, I finally said fuck it and went to play some baseball. Bob was broadcasting the game and get this, the batter up, knocked it out the park. The ball was outta there, so outta there, that 9 innings wasn't needed, only seven. Seven innings, and one mutha trucka flying the fuck out of there.

The overachiever also reminded the half ass that kisses to be a badd ass that being anything but an overachiever gets you knocked out the park, but buttercup, suck it up, walk it off, and remember there is no crying in baseball.

Once Bob announced that the authorities (unauthorized referees) were on route to throw a flag on the play, used the pitcher's head as the ball. All I know is that Bob was rehired and returned to the rightful position at Headquarters. Apparently during the fireworks, Joyful burning houses down and the Board of Directors digging a hole in the dugout, I didn't provide the paperwork for Bob.

Bob also doesn't realize that window 9 is closed until Malice Inc. gives the direct order to operate from that window, which is window 9 and window 9 is the place for the paperwork. Peter is on a private mission of minding his brother Paul, the biggest Paul of all, and ensuring that no other reindeer games are played. Note of the rehire of Bob, and with Bob comes Sally. And Sally, well just smack her ass and then smack yourself before Bob broadcasts that headline and the seven headed beast decides to go WWE and lay the smackdown on ya.

In other news, we have had recent reports of two wanders walking the streets, slinging shots of tequila, and being overachievers at arriving at unauthorized locations, and breaking in boots by knocking kindly with those same boots. Now, Bob reports that the undisclosed locations of the door damage was not the whole story. Grandpa found his marbles, and his Rio Mossey liar of a wife, was made an honest woman.

Witnesses of wanderers watched her foot break the televisions fall from flying marbles, that not even malice incorporated or the incompetent malicious man Grandpa of grand wizards and what Willis be talkin bout, could have stopped. Bob is happy to report that Rios rightfooted honest whore wife does indeed have a broken foot in seven places and the door did indeed break the wanderers fall before their breaking and entering made things right.

And January Enterprises will tell ya, no one ever makes it right. And Bob, says he was honest in his tell all of tales of taking the malicious mischief conducted and carried out due to his never making it right. He is offering a reward for the return of the weedeater that went missing or maybe he traded it for dope, he couldn't be sure, but he was honest. He really didn't know where the weedeater was, where his dope was, or where his rig was. One the malicious mischief makers walked off with their weedeater, because it was funny, two his dope was in his lap, and three his rig was in his arm.

This is why dope drive thrus are thoroughly not authorized by Headquarters, the Internal Redhead Service, B.O.D.. --Disclaimer: Directors of the Board are currently under supervision and by detour demand, the rehire and big bad in charge is once more Mordecai. He may decimate you for drive thru) and the Incorporated Malice man of berries, cherries, and long ago Larrys, will bless you with a meeting of madness, maybe dismembering the drive thru and member at window.)

Bob also reports that these wanderers walked the woods behind a buffet of Morsguns and before making their way to their home location, it was unofficially overheard that a Carillo cartell or deputy on duty of a bandido, unsure but aware that they were not charged with an open container, the lid was on it, and they were coming from the place where the chevy parked at the back of the buffet is where the blaze of badd blues and blue bags of dope. The big fish uses the badd blues and blue bags of dope for bait to catch that ball that got knocked out of the park.

Now, back to you Sally. Sally is sitting her pistol of a mouth out on the mountain. She was so ugly that the porch was not where she could perch her ass, instead she intentionally entered the woods of the way, found herself in the middle of 26.25. and 1. But smack that ass and call her Sally, cause she made her way to Mordecai's mountain, without the golden pig, no black fucking, but baffled the Beast with so much bullshit he bound her for eternal glory. Why? And how? She gave him 52 cents that when split is 26. 25. and 1. Which can also be divided by four board members so they can each get a snowcone. The mountain of Mordecai is where the freshest snowcones can be found and if you are Sally eternal glory can be found if you just say fuck it, suck it, and then walk it off in the way the wanderers wandered and now have wondrously disappeared.

© Tabetha Simpson