

First love
He fell for her the moment he saw her at the shopping mall, he usually don'go there but today he had to sign a deal and then this blonde haired girl had to catch his attention, he looked at her with smiles on his face, he wondered why he would even be attracted to a stranger, he walked closely and stood right behind her, his assistant was wonderingwhat was wrong with his boss but he dared not speak for fear of losing his job.
" I don't know what to do at this rate anymore, I won't lose hope at least not now, I believe it'll work out,I'll meet you up soon Fred, love you" kalena said happily
He boiled with rage, how dare she tell another man she loves him when she clearly belonged to him, he was so mad, he knew he was being insensitive now but he couldn't help it.
" who the hell is Fred?" he asked angrily
" Do I know you?" kalena asked with suprise filled eyes.
" I asked a question blonde hair" he said gritting his teeth
" Fred is my love, so excuse me" she said and ran away.
" Do an investigation on that girl as soon as possible " he said and walked away angrily
she was shocked at what happened inside the mall she just couldn't understand why the man looked upset,she kept running until she passed out