

Fork in the road
One cool winter night a man drunkenly walks down a path in the woods until he comes upon a fork in the road. Stunned that such an alluring piece of silver was left lying in the road he picks it up, looking at it he notices it has but two prongs and in their reflection seems to be a picture of sorts.
He looks it over for a minute, but suddenly he notices he's in the pictures and they seem to show what he will do next. On the one end, he lays the silver down and continues on his path just to be eaten by a wolf. Terrified by what he saw he looks down the other.
It showed him keeping the fork and heading on his way, just to end up fighting the wolf, ultimately ending in his demise. Sobering up from the whole ordeal he puts it back down and goes back the way he came, safely returning home.
Now you see the moral of the story is clear, just because someone points you down the wrong path or helps you down it. It's never too late to turn back.

© Anthony Sanders