

She took out four different pairs of wings and closed the box.

"Close your eyes and turn".

"The four did as they were commanded.

"Will it hurt?" Derrick said as he fidgeted.

"Not at all, it'll just tickle a little" she said as she put each of the wings into their back.

Leo laughed. "That did tickle" he said.

"Now try to flap them" she said.

"That's nice uh........"


"Oh! Yes, Tina" the flairie said

"You have to flap them more than that Derrick, it's too slow" Stephanie said

"Its so tiring" Derrick said, looking exhausted.

"You are doing ok Kelvin. Just try moving them a little faster" Lillian said as she touched Kelvin

"Leo" Stephanie called.

"What?" Leo said

"You are doing great" she complemented.

"Thanks" Leo said as he smiled at Stephanie.

The flairie opened her door.

"Mind giving the wings a try?" She asked.

They all flew out but weren't flying that well.

Tina kept falling. Kelvin flew but kept bumping into things. Leo flew upside down, while Derrick couldn't even fly.

Minya held Tina's hand and taught her how to fly. In no time, she was flying well.

"Hold ma hand" Stephanie told Leo.

"Oh!" Leo said as he held her hand.

"Now try flapping your wings as before" she ordered.

He did exactly that and was flying in no time.

"A little help pl....ee...a.....sss.....e" Derrick said as he tries to fly.

Tina looked at him and giggled. She came to the ground and held his hand. He started flying well.

Kelvin also learned how to fly, with the help of Lillian.

"Take care Keira, and Stephanie" She said as she hugged them.

"What about us? Are we invisible?" Leo asked.

"Sorry. Goodbye guys. Hope you find what you are looking for" she said.

They left the flairies' house, waving her till she was out of sight.

"Where are we going now Stephanie" Lillian asked

"The world of the dark magic" she said.

Leo gulped.

"That sounds scary" Derrick said.

"We are getting to the outskirts of the world of light" she said as they came to a river filled with mermaids.


"This is the Oceania. It separates the land of light from the land of the dark" Stephanie said.

Suddenly, a splash was heard as someone was seen in the ocean. She dives in the water, making her tail visible and popped her head out to see who was coming.

"A human fish, Its staring at me. It wants to eat me. Mummy! I wanna go home" He cried as he hid behind Stephanie's back.

"Don't worry Leo, I'm sure its just a creature that looks like human. Its not that bad....." He paused as he saw the creature coming towards them.

"On a second thought, i need my mummy" he said as he hid behind Kelvin.

"She's a mermaid. She won't harm you silly. Now if you don't mind, get your hands off me" Stephanie said as she tries to shake Leo hands from her waist.

"Oh! Sorry" he said as he removed his hand.

"I didn't know mermaids were real" Lillian said as she looked at the mermaid advancing towards them.

"Yeah, i only see them in fairytales" Tina said as she looked at it.

"Greetings fellow fairies" Kyla, the Princess of the coast greeted.

"Greetings Kyla, remember me?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh Stephanie, the water fairy. You haven't visited us in a long while. I hope you are ok? She asked

"Yes Kyla" Stephanie answered.

"Can i ask you for a favour? Stephanie asked.

"We are going to the land of dark magic and we want to follow the ocean route since that's the fastest and easier way. Can you direct us? Stephanie asked.

"Sure. I know you can breathe under water, but can the rest do?" She asked.

"No Kyla" she answered.

"I'll be right back" she said as she dives under water.

"This is crazy. First it was wings, now to swim like a fish" Leo looked at Stephanie.

"So what?This route is easier because its faster and more convenient for you guys, that's why i chose this way" Stephanie replied.

"Well i don't wanna swim" he said.

"Well that's your business Leo, i don't care if you don't wanna come or wanna. You know what? You're a fool, a big one. You always act foolish and give me a headache. I dunno wanna hear anything from you again so quiet"

"Stephanie?" Leo, looking hurt called.

"Don't ever mention my name again. Now shut that mouth up" she said as she looked away.

Derrick, seeing how hurt he was at Stephanie's words patted his back.

The mermaid showed up and gave them a fruit that looked like coconut. They were supposed to drink the water in the fruit so that they might be able to breathe under water.

They passed it to each other and the four drank from the fruit. Then they dived in and swam.

They passed the mermaid kingdom, they passed the lion and the bear cave, and the shark kingdom. They made it to the other side.

"Thanks Kyla" Lillian thanked.

"You're welcome. I hope you find what you seek" she said as she dived in.

Leo was quiet all through the journey, and Kelvin noticed it, since he was used to Leo's behaviour.

But he being so quiet during the journey baffled him. He sat with Leo who was busy eating the fruit they picked from a tree nearby.

"Leo, what's wrong? You've been quiet. Are you ok?" He asked as he put his hands around him.

"Yes" he replied

"Well, i dont think so, Tell me"

"What Stephanie said about me being a fool and a good for nothing kinda hurt me. Yeah, I've heard it many times before but her saying it kinda hurt. I never knew i was a burden". He said as a tear dropped.

"Wow! I've never seen you shed a tear because of a girl before. Come on, you are a ladies man. You know how well to deal with girls. You never cared what anyone said to you or is it what I'm thinking?" Kelvin said as he looked at him.

"What are you thinking?"

"I think i know why it hurt. Leo, you never minded what anyone said to you or about you, you know why you minded what she said?" He asked.

"Cos you love her. A man can't get hurt because of a girl he doesn't love. You minded it because you love her, and i want you to tell her how you feel

" I dunno. I don't have the courage to" he said as he bowed his head.

"Leo, you have finally found love, don't let her slip away. She might feel the same way for you, but might find it hard to tell you. So you make a move, I'm sure she'll listen" he said as he hugged Leo.

"Thanks bro" he said as he thanked Kelvin.


Stephanie sat on the grass, looking at the ocean. It was night time and so she said they should all rest for a while.

She noticed Leos quietness throughout the journey. She tried apologizing but didn't have the heart.

She looked around and saw Kelvin sitting with him. He looked so sad.

"Did what i say really hurt him?" She asked herself.

Tina came to sit with her. "Are you ok?" She asked

"Kinda. Leo seemed unhappy. I can't ask him cos of what i said earlier to him. She said as she looked at him.

Tina held her hand.

"What you said to Leo wasn't nice. I admit that he behaves somehow but the worst you could ever say was what you said. You need to apologise Stephanie. He's quite hurt, and quiet too

"Please apologize, that's the best solution" she said as she smiled.

"Thanks for the advice Tina" she said as she stood up and made her way towards Leo.



She's coming this way man, now's your chance. You might not get this golden chance again" Kelvin said as he stood up and walked to Lillian.

"Leo" she said as she sat close to him.

"Yes" he said, trying to hide the tears on his face.

"Im sorry for what i said earlier. I overreacted. I shouldn't have" she said as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry" she said as she bowed her head.

"I know I'm annoying so you don't need to apologise. I won't disturb you anymore. I'll try to not pester or make you angry or stressed. I'm the one to apologise, so I'm sorry" he said as he looked away.

"Leo" she called as she placed her hand on his.

Leo turned and looked at her hand which was on top of his.

He removed his hand and stood up.

"Im ok with it. No need for apologies. I won't disturb or stand in your way again" He said as he put his hands on his pockets and looked at Stephanie.

Then he walked over to Derrick, leaving a speechless Stephanie who couldn't get her eyes off him.


"What will happen after you get the sceptre of light magic?" Kelvin asked Lillian, as they held hands, sitting on the grass, looking at the ocean.

"I guess I'll confront ma uncle and take my rightful place on the throne" she said.

"Won't you wanna come back to earth?" He asked.

"I will, ill always come to see you" she said as she leaned on him.

Kelvin looked at her and held her close.

"If i were to marry you, will i become a fairy as well?" He asked.

Lillian got up and looked into his eyes.

"Marriage?" She asked.

"Yes. I planned to ask you after we came back from this journey, but i don't think you'll come back with me, that's why im asking" he said as he gently squeezed her hand.

"Lillian, will you marry me?" He asked hopefully, staring into her eyes.

"I....i dunno what to say" she said as she dropped her eyes.

"Lillian please be mine. Even though i know you're not from earth origin, my heart still belongs to you. If it means ill have to be a fairy or stay in Zodar forever just to for you to be mine, I'll do that. I never want to let you go" Kelvin said as he touched her cheek.

"I'll marry you Kelvin. I don't think i can live without you either. Thanks dear" She said as she hugged him tight.

"You're welcome sweetheart" he said as he held her more tight than ever.


"What's wrong Leo? You look upset" Derrick said as he touched Leo's shoulder.

"Im not upset, im just tired. I cant wait to get over this shit and head home" He said as he looked up

"Wow! I've never seen you this way bro, you could consider in me" Derrick said.

"Just leave me alone" he said as he walked away.

"I wonder what is bugging him" he said to himself.

Derrick looked around and saw Tina sitting alone.

"Now this is my chance" he said as he walked towards Tina.

"Hey beautiful" he said as he sat close to her.

"Hey Derrick" she said.

He picked up a flower nearby and put it on her hair.

"This suits you" he said as he smiled.

"Thanks" she said as she touched the flower.

They talked and laughed, played games and other stuffs. Everything they did made Derrick's day. It'll be hard to forget those times he had spent with her.


The sun shine brightly as Stephanie woke up. She got up and woke the others.

"We have to get going. The entrance to the world of dark magic is not that far from here" she said as her eyes met Leo's.

Leo looked away and she sighed.

"Let's get going then" Lillian said as she held Kelvin's hand.

"Don't worry Tina dear, ill protect you. Maybe i?" He said as he stretched out his hand.

"Yes you may" she said as she giggled and placed her hand on his.

Then they started walking. Stephanie turned and saw Leo.

He didn't look or act lively as before. She turned and walked to where he was.

"Leo, I'm really very sorry. I don't really like seeing you like this. You used to be all that lovely and full of life. I kinda missed that part of you" she said as she held his hand.

Leo, surprised at what she said, looked at her and turned away. He released her hand from his and walked far from her.


Stephanie looked as he shifted from her. She looked at him but couldn't make eye contact with him.

She sighed when she couldn't get his attention and walked ahead.

They Came to the entrance to the dark world. A troll sat at the entrance. When he saw them, he stood up and advanced towards them.

"Oh boy!" Derrick said as he came in front of Tina.

"Don't worry ma lady,I'll protect you" he said as he looked bravely at the troll.

But as the troll ran towards them,Derrick changed his mind.

"On a second thought, I'll might as well save you from the behind" he said as he hid behind Tina

The troll tried to hit them but they separated. Stephanie used her powers to conjure a wave which she splashed on him.

The troll seemed unperturbed as he made his way towards Stephanie.

Lillian flew high up and connected with the rays of the sun which shone on the troll with so much intensity.

The troll couldn't see and tried to wave the sun from its eyes.

"Quickly, before it fades, lets go" Kelvin said as they hurriedly flew into the dark world.

They entered and everywhere seemed dark as black clouds hovered around. The sky was grey and the ground was as hard as stone. Cries from the dead were heard as they shook in fear.

"This place is creepy. I hope we come out alive" Tina said as she looked suspicious at everything she came across.

"The land of dark magic is under the land of light magic. That's why i suppose the sceptre of light magic is hidden here. So keep close. This place is as wicked as it looks" she said as they continued walking.

Suddenly, they came across a tree.

"The tree is huge.How on earth are we gonna get to the other side?" Derrick asked as he looked at the the huge log in front of them.

Stephanie flew up and used her powers to create water. With that she tried to use it to make the log move but it drained her energy. She fell.

"Stephanie" Leo called as he flew and caught her.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he dropped her on the ground.

"Yes, I'll be fine" she said as she tries to stand.

"Be careful" he said as he helped her up.

"I'm really sorry Leo for what i said yesterday. It kinda hurts when you don't talk to me. Please don't snub me again" She said as she leaned on him

"Its ok, don't stress yourself" he said as he held her close.

Meanwhile, the others were looking for a way to get rid of the tree.

"How are we gonna move it?" Kelvin asked Lillian who appeared thinking as well.

Derrick went to the tree and tried pushing it.

"What are you doing Derrick?" Tina asked.

"Im trying to move the tree. Don't forget im a strong man"he said as he continued pushing.

"Derrick! How can you push that big tree? Its surpasses your capability" Kelvin said as he laughed.

"Maybe. I'm tired already" he said as he tiredly made his way towards them.

"I kinda sense something" Lillian said as she flew to the tree. She touched it and flew far from it. She used her mind to connect with the tree.

Having successfully connected with it, the tree rose. It floated and it landed on the other side.

"I didn't know you could connect to living things" Stephanie said as she tried standing up.

"I guess i do. She said as she held her head.

"Let's get going then. We aren't far from where we are heading to" Stephanie said as she fell down.

"Easy Steph, you're gonna hurt yourself" Leo said as he helped her up.

"Are you sure you can walk?" Leo asked.

"I dunno, my energy is drained and I'm very dizzy" she said as she held her head

"Come on, climb on my back, I'll carry you" he said as he bent for her to climb.

"You aren't serious" she said as she looked surprised.

"I'm serious Stephanie. Just take it as a help from a friend" he said as he turned and smiled at her.

She climbed on his back and they continued their journey. They walked for sometime till they came across a house.

"That house looks scary" Derrick said as he shivered.

"We don't have anywhere to stay for the night so we have to ask if the person here could spare us some room" she said as she got up from Leo's back.

"Thanks Leo" she thanked

"You're welcome" he said as he smiled at her.

"Now follow me" she said as she made her way to the door.

"I don't like what we are about to do Leo, that house looks haunted" he said as he hid behind Leo's back as they followed the others.

"Chill up bro, you dun wanna fuck the hell up in front of your crush will you?" He asked as he smiled

"No. This is the chance to show how brave i am to her" he smiled as he ran towards the door.

Stephanie was about to knock when Derrick pushed in.

"If you don't mind I'd like to do the honours" he said as he winked at Tina, adjusted his shirt and knocked.

A noise was heard from inside as the door opened.

Derrick shouted are the sight of the ugly creature and started shouting.

"Aaaaaaaaah" he shouted as he hid behind Kelvin's back"

"What brings you fairies to my house?" He asked a he looked at them.

"Sir" Stephanie said as she fidgeted.

"We came a very long way and we need a place for the night and food to it. Could you please help us?" She asked as she looked at the gnome.

"Sure. Come in" he said as he stepped aside, making way for the visitors to come in.

"Everyone came in except Derrick who smiled at the old gnome, showing his gape teeth as he shivered

"Come in, you don't need to be scared" the gnome said as Derrick sped into the house.

The house looked nice on the inside, although scary at the outside. There were three chairs in the living room and a dining at the other side of the room.

"Glad to have you all here. I am Mr Flute Snoot. Please feel free in my house. I could spare you some food, it i have only four rooms so three are available. Could you manage?" He asked.

"Of course" Lillian answered.

"You've helped us enough. Thanks for your hospitality" she said as she smiled.

"You are welcome. Do come with me" he said as they climbed the stairs.

"Maybe he isn't that bad" Derrick thought as he followed.

"These are the rooms available. Please freshmen up and do join me in the dining" he said as he left them.

"So how are we gonna share the rooms?" Tina asked.

"Ill stay with Lillian" Kelvin said as he held her hand.

"Ill stay with you Stephanie" Tina said as she looked at Stephanie.

"And that leaves us Derrick" Leo said as he put his hand around Derrick.

"So let's freshen up and join the good old gnome at the table"

With that, they chose a room, freshened up and each came to the dining area.

The gnome sat on a wooden chair at the other end of the dining. It was made up of six chairs and a long wooden table.

Everyone sat down and each dished out food for themselves.

"So what brings you fairies to the world of dark magic?" Mr Flute Snoot asked.


"We came here to find the sceptre of light magic" Tina said as she ate.

"Yes, it is believed to be hidden under Zodar, and the world of dark magic is also under the world of light. That is why we came here" Stephanie told Mr Flute Snoot.

"But the sceptre of light is very powerful. It has been hidden for hundreds of years. It has never been found

"And what do you fairies need it for? Only the royals have the right to find it, not you" he said as he looked surprised.

"We have to find it sir, because Lillian is the true heir, and if she doesn't get the sceptre, she might not be able to overthrow her uncle" Tina said.

"King Rexandro has a neice? How's that possible?"

Stephanie narrated all that happened, the happenings surrounding Lillian's birth, how she was taken to the human world for her safety amongst others.

The gnome looked at Lillian who smiled at him.

"But i thought King Rexandro killed his brother, his wife and the little one. I never thought she escaped or lived"

"My dear" he said, referring to Lillian.

"I wish i could help, but i am too weak to fight along side with you. Zodar has suffered from the cruelty of your uncle who brought misery, poverty and suffering to his subjects.

"I might not be able to do anything but i could as well show you the way.

"Enyanga, the western dark witch is my friend who lives in a house not far from here.

"She goes underground, towards the end of Zodar to find ingredients for her various portions"

"She might be of much help to you" he said.

"Where can we find her?" Kelvin asked him.

"Just through the forest. Her house is the first you'll see" he answered.

"Thank you very much sir. You've helped us much more than we imagined" Lillian said as she smiled at him.

"I hope you find what you seek my dear. Go and take what rightfully belongs to you"

He said as he got up, walked to Lillian and patted her on the back.

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