

Struggling To Be A Better Man

Ideal after ideal. Was he fooling himself or could he really create a solid professional platform or product that'll entice and be profitable?
But the thought of being so connected and in your face with social media from a prison cell. Wow! It just seemed so arrogant and over the top. Hell no, he thought. Kendrick knew it was possible. That wasn't the problem. It was the damn cost of a cell phone in prison first. Then the psychological turmoil one goes through when 12(the police) confiscates it and the realization is you've lost $3,200 because you're not getting it back. But you're still stuck in that cell again alone with just your thoughts. Back on that prisoner schedule and routine. Dreading the prison wall phone where you're only allowed a 15 minute call once a day and no privacy. After you've begun learning how to communicate and fill the gaps that are gaping holes because you're not physically obtainable. That's your turmoil and families.
But as a prisoner in possession of one you are at a heightened level of paranoia daily because you don't want to feel all the above mentioned element's.
But then there's the ramifications after the fact. The penalty phase. The loss of privileges and added prison time.
Damn Kendrick, mumbled through a yawn after running through some of the negatives he could face plastering and/or uploading his face to social media.

Prisoner's in the same position did the opposite of what he was considering to do. Because prison life was extremely different when one had a cell phone. A prisoner in possession of one humbled themselves and quickly avoided conflicts,went incognito, became more alert for the Officer's,and watchout for those prisoners with snitch jackets on them.
You had to screen your associates and pick the right cellies. Oh, that was a big one. The cellies with inside shade/ hate in them. Most feel like they should receive some time on a phone they haven't contributed a pennie too, nor paid one phone bill or offered. Oh yes,the heart of entitlement brings out the backbiting/dry talk (jaw jacking). Them speaking...