

A part of her own imagination
Earlier it started with an imagination which turned out to become her world of reality where she was free on her thoughts , her views and her actions.
Unaware of all what is happening in reality, she kept on living her life of imaginations.
People started wondering about the happenings of her world that made her so excited everytime she talked about it. Some showed interest and some considered it as a joke.
She never cared of what they thought about her world but , she lived. She smiled , she cried , she fought , she was in pain but her world was everything to her for which she was ready to hurt her own soul as the world was in her imagination and she created that world of stories that it held inside.
Growing in that same world , she now became like one . She started imagining herself as a part of her own imagination and it destroyed the happiness of being in the reality , smelling the flowers of garden , breathing the air of early morning with a wonderous sunrise. Meeting people and having a happy conversations.
She created a boundary and chose to stay in darkness for her world wasn't like the real one but was of her thoughts that used to come in her loneliness and now she is a part of it .
A part of her own imagination.
© Will