


Long ago when humans thought the world was flat, was a land veiled and forgotten by time. There was a village on the land named VAMINE; which wasn't known to the outside world. The village became extinct and annihilated, when the "Gate of Abyss" came into the story. The anecdote of VAMINE was passed on to the present time by the gifted and the cursed. This is apparent genesis of VAMINE.
It is widely known that there is an English word called paradise. Well, if there is any word, which had a supremacy to the word, it would have been the perfect qualification for the little village. Everything needed to enjoy life and its pleasures was intact. Large water bodies, assorted foods, beautiful high mountains with avalanche of grains overflowing from its top and more beyond articulation. But as nature always tends to be, It's known that for anything which involves assembly of individuals, springs up a leader or ruler of the group or perhaps, civilisation.
The ruler of VAMINE was called the Dakiva. Dakiva in their native language means, "The protector of Man". One thing special about this title was the fact that it runs through the descendants of a particular individual. This law was formed or enacted, when the first line of human's existence on the land was put to the test. An oracle was responsible for choosing the purest of heart as the ruler. When all was tested, it was only the Dinas family that was chosen. Then all pledged their genuine allegiance to the ruler, knowing fully well that the rulership runs only through his offspring.
As time goes by, emerged a wicked inclination of avarice in a certain contemporary of the king, Lican. Soon as his friend, Mian Dina's was chosen, Lican was red in the face and filled with great jealousy and envy. He felt that he was a million times capable, beefy, handsome and cool than the antithesis of his personality, sitting on the throne that should be given to him. He left the village thereafter in revenge anticipation.
The king and the entire village searched for him, but couldn't find a single trail, giving them a hint of idea or clue on his abrupt vanishing. All left for the king and others was doom and gloom whether he would ever return, after their endless search, seeming like the gyration of a Ballerina.
Lican went on with his quest to be a solitary traveler throughout the outskirts of the land and beyond. He hated being with the people of VAMINE. It's either he is the ruler or nothing. The analogy between him and Dinas seemed to be barbarous to him, that he strongly begrudged the fact that he would submit to his rival's government. He wanted to be analogous or supreme to Dinas, nothing more.
As he was being amoral with his baleful thoughts, walking in the woods, he stumbled upon an alluring sight which rendered him speechless. A large castle "feaching the heavens", with beautiful gardens, flowers and lights everywhere, making the castle obtrusive. although he was astonished or amazed by the building all alone in the woods, but he killed those thoughts because of the Arctic nature of the night. He opened the unlocked door and shut them behind him as he kept looking at the castle, marveling at the aesthetic architecture and looking at the long stairs going higher and higher with the banister going on like a spiral. Comparing other castles to this one was indeed diminutive. It was absolutely not dingy, but a dilineation of an attractive sight.
This was atypical to the austere village he came from and he was smiling all along as he walked around the castle. He found lots of all-round equipments and admired these. As he continued his search for other things that could possibly alleviate his boredom or perhaps ameliorate him, there comes a sight which shows severe temptation to open. It was a chest which was gold, with an auburn form of inscription or letters written on it. He moved closer to the golden box and noticed the letters were scattered. It was more like an anagram, with the letters written as "FATE GYSS BOA". At first, he had problems even knowing it was an anagram. It seemed like another language or something different. But the English word "fate" altered his thinking. He rearranged those letters as soon as he knew what it was, but arrived at different words with much ambiguity. When he couldn't get the exact pattern of arrangement, he was about to beat a hasty retreat from the box. When he recalled seeing the letters looking like the word, Abyss, he went back again and tried for the last time.
As the word Abyss was arranged, Bingo!! He got the rest without stress. The word was "GATE OF ABYSS", which seemed a little frightening, but he could deal well with the fright. The box opened, pushing out a key, which was the only chance if opening the inner chest of the box. As he picked it and tried opening the box, three women came out of the door next to him and shouted "Don't open the Pandora's box".
He looked at the women and noticed they were old amd disgusting in appearance. Then he said in a bold voice "what's up witches, I've got no qualms opening this amd if you try to stop me, you go down with your lives". He opened the box with the key shortly after he completed his statement. The three women disappeared, with him alone left in the gigantic castle. All the lights went off and the opened box vanished from his hands. What happened was anomalous to his thought of finding treasures or something that would make him affluent.
He was alone in the dark castle with no source of light for moving around. When everything looked creepy, he tried trailing back his step without light back to the entrance. This wasn't a good aura, but a scary ambience. His pupils were going through enlargement in the extreme darkness and he stumbled and fell down the stairs, with a loud wail. As he was trying to beat the pain, there was a loud ripple of roar from the upper rooms of the castle spreading on and on to the spot where he was badly injured and completely immobilized. The sound stopped for a while and there was an abrupt silence. Millions of footsteps were coming from the top of the castle crashing, crushing, and trembling sounds, which at first seemed illusory but later genuine, when the things he heard coming down, dragged him in the dark and rounded him up in a feast. He screamed, but couldn't any longer, when he was completely devoured.

"The power of avarice is the pathway of absolute destruction"................A.K (Sean)


© Sean