

Once upon a time there, was a men
Who's lives in brabebome villages , the name called brother yaw , he is rich man in brabebome villages, he is wicked man, This man kills people to secrifice for his gods because, the more he kills people, the more he gets 💰
One day, brother yaw,saw his friend,name called kwame, he is coming from London, he his friend is Christian, but brother yaw hit people who worship God, but his friend kwame, he doesn't know brother yaw hit him,
So he plans into a mind that,
He want to kill his friend kwame for secrifice his gods, but he trying to take knif to kill kwame through the mirror, but kwame worship his God seriously,
So God propect him, So after brother yaw come to kill him, God sent his Angels to cover kwame, because kwame worship his God hundred percent,
Brother yaw take the knife to kill him , The knife turn through the brother yaw stomach and he die.
After that kwame go to U.S.A and become a big man.

© Right Andy