

The coercive decision by Govt.

Since our childhood, It was told that the order given by our parents should be obeyed. But nowadays scenario has been changed. To maintain your parents decision is not mandatory, but the so-called ORDER of the government has to be maintained. Are we joker to you? What type of democracy is it? Maybe direct or indirect , I don't know.What I am going to tell is that we have suffrages,then what power made us to compell to do so. Perhaps,You understood what I am telling about.

The recent verdict by apex court about Final year exams was quite bit diplomatic. The court had quashed the appeal about cancellation of Exams. We,the students, never opposed the baccalaureate examination to be taken.I would like to flag up some issues which is easily understandable by you,hoping so.
1. In april recommendation guidelines, UGC had said our student's LIFE is utmost important to us.We can't take a risk with their lives.The examination should be postponed untill the situation is in under control. In june,State universities announced that the students would be given their results with respect to 80:20 ratio.We submitted our internal assessments. The very next day,UGC said the final year exams must be held within 30th September. The promotion without holding exams,might be obnoxious effect on their careers as well as FUTURE.Are we puppets to you? Just want to know to the respected higher authority ,what is the definition of LIFE and FUTURE. When the situation was in undercontrol then you exemplify our lives matter and when the situation getting worsen day by day,You are insisting us! I had mentioned earlier, we are never opposing the exams,but pleaded to government please take responsibility of our families if we get infected.
2. The gargantuan students had started their competitive exam preparations to think they will be promoted.Although the rate of unemployment in india is not talkable.However, the switch over from one subject to another subject is not so easy to me like an average student. So please stop to play our future. The consolidated decision by government of India should have been better to all of us.Another word,In the eve of 2021 election, the govt.of WB and Govt.of India have been releasing many temptations(so called recruitments),but our graduation degree is in limbo, we couldn't take part of this.
3. A cohorts of politician snatched the opportunity, try to involve politicization in education system.It is not bad in this situation. We need help some national leader against the majoritarian Indian government. But they should have to focus on students welfare and I assured you the Student power will be seen in 2021 election. But Human brain is not so strong to be remembered like nature.I can recall the lines of Wendell Berry, "Whether we and our politicians know it or not , nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and it has more votes, a longer memory,and a strener sense of justice than we do."
4. Now coming to the topic of supreme court.Now the situation is eerie to speak about against the apex court.They are respected ,benevolent and guardian of our constitution. Of late, the decision taken by supreme court has been tilted ostensibly. This is not expected to the guardian of our country. It should be fair.I have no intention to contempt but If you think to frighten us with the case of prashant bhushan ,you might be wrong. Students voice never muzzled.You have to think with respect to student views also.
© Biswajit