

Extracting the good from the world is easier than bringing out the best within ourselves. Most of us dont even realize our own potential, strengths and weaknesses. In this fast moving world we all are just buzy chasing each other, running after things that the society has set up a standard. Scoring well at our school and college level, pursuing a career which has the most lucrative future, having a family life that is not supposed to stumble down.

These and many more are the prejudices held for living a life that can be termed 'good'. However, no one is aware of what is right what is wrong. It is an abstract concept with no fixed definition perhaps, subjective to the understanding and learning that one gains from his personal experience.

Its time to let loose the strings of aspirations and expectations. To let the heart not only beat but also, assist us in deciding the colour we adore, the season we love, the music that makes our toes tap , the fragrance that makes us crazy without any interference from the people around us. It is deciphering something that is absolutely "OUR CHOICE".

Never let the passion within you die. The passion to dream , to get up after a downfall, to take on a journey without a set destination, to paint the canvas of your life with your own shades. It is always to be remembered that there are no static rules of living life. You make your own laws, your own limits and your own opinions to keep the charm of individuality alive.

Make sure to give your all that keeps you happy. Let this passion be always burning within you!!