

The Metaphysical Theater

The Metaphysical Theater is a blog about a human whom asks the question of himself, how do I make this life a life worth living again?

letting go of the unwanted, is a loss

September 21, 2019

Though letting go of the unwanted makes space for something new...As this world turns memories vaguely associated to me revealing a truth perhaps greatest and most practical among these many truths, even many truths... truth-ing through me... to blurring lines between the subjective to a subjective interpretation of supposed objective "occurrences" ... nothing objective but the branch here that grew out from the vine there... yet within and no distance is truth or real... To finally understand that the illusion conceals a"fact" that life... or your life...my life... all life... is all subjective... all imaginary... even the poop in the bottom of my metaphysical pants... here straining upon the digital stage... the steaming pile of symbolic being... in excrement form... vapors of powerful odor penetrating an incarnate recognition... the great ca-ca... over all other ca-ca's out there floating through the either... a most practical brand of bovine grass processing...and thorough digestion... my individual brand, above all others... most practical to me... the mushrooms of mysterious unknown emerging from the angus anus droppings... a cooled and mellowed pile ...a fairy circle of them free ... upon the splat... the beef critter shat... the magic lingered a while... and there not without, but within... a glimpse of truth no incarnate sight and perception could know... yet there all the while... without anyone's permission ...I go... to be as intended... without price... I am free, and rich... and joyfully being saved... from my former belief in mediocrity... a way... but here not the way... just a painting of my own finger pointing.... or the sound of my bleating, bray... for though this fool of fools, persisted this long in his folly... I ask how wise could a such a fool as I be made?... but that answer has no importance in eternity ... the answer has no specific form or appearance until it is endowed by my awareness... coming about by me ... I cause... I perceive its effect ... circling until the salvation of Jesus Christ born in me from above as myself... awaken the walker to emerge from the eternity of tired routes well worn... from these mortal steps God rises again in my very being, as that ... whom is this... still as is it always was... from then through now to then again... we are ... I am... poetry escaped the grey shadows as color then... before time took its first tick... before you knew to forget all the "rules" made to keep you grey and raining... sunshine burned away all rainy days... and even those thunderous storm and rain clouds beautiful from this vantage... flashing brilliant bolts of electric currents through the sky's spacious hold... I find relief from my own weather in looking down upon it... that distance is a cloud falling like rain and steam rising to cloud... if that be salvation ...then to always be steady in that relief ... I be.... Being is happening no matter how many sweet hours are invested in the relationship with the regained state of consciousness... even greater works to be done... what thing could be endowed with the power to undo that which grants it all things and itself... Wholly... unto itself... that is all the dream is or was and yet will be... as you wholly unto yourself and at complete peace ...a greater or inconceivable seed of some yet unknown greatness could have ever been sewn without that deep whole union between myself and God in me as that is what I had been being... immaculate... without an awareness of the corruptible flesh, costume creature I wear on earth... though that carriage is not without its noble purpose ... in Jesus Christ within me... that is my own human imagination aflame and burning all surrounding in it in that sacred fire that burns but does not harm and does not consume... that is the definite experience to find deepest relief within ... though these feeble textual symbols cannot communicate the certain destiny you will know... man born as God on earth in man... that is God, but what is not?... and which place is not sacred ?... fools indeed... I am the most foolish... above all other foolishness to confound the many feeble wisdoms of men back to one not of earth... of heaven... born from above, by water and blood.. alone without permission, without doubt... folding back my wings consumed wholly by the candles flame... never to return to this world... that letting go has within its seeming void...more gain than all this world could possibly dream wildest of... and the meager empires of men are paled to shadows... their own truthful form... and what thing is too hard for God?... what mountain can Christ not move?... what salvation missed? Is there too hard a thing for God to do?... in his name...is as though I am God, I say anything that I am... and that is truth... God makes all things made and "saved" to serve in our own Kingdom a benevolent King whom you are... is reining in all peace... forever within self and nowhere in the incarnate world whom screams much too loudly until silenced ... and then seen coming from within itself... emerging from nothing and nowhere... the hub of creation ... upon which all that is ...spins aware... is nothing, and unaware or aware of nothing...an endless depth of silent dark motionless non-phyisical... potential... that is God out from which I came to forget and then again remember that ...I am that I am... is that destiny?... no choice could be wrong or right... there is no wrong or right in heaven... in heaven only yes or no... if you feel insecure as God, you could not yet believe yourself free from the spectre's of mans doubled mind ... within you opening one eye the sight ...not of worldly understanding... illuminating the rivers not seen by men though they be swept in their very swift currents flow... men do not believe in God and yet say they do .... that is not to be taught by mans institutions or sold as an advantage over my own fellows... or made to be a form of control over many people... by faith... all in the world, all that was or will be in the world... by faith ...was is and will be wrought by faith in this living Christ within me ... by God I had come and will go... this life to be a school to show me that I am creating every moment of my life... by myself... for myself... a totally self contained psychological event that the effects within the dream have no control over... so if I walk by faith in this world... the appearance of what is actual... becomes the experience of that actuality I really believe within becoming true... my super important habitual belief can be trained into all greatness, wealth and vitality ... by a mental process that is aligned with body and emotion for the realization that you are God... that I am God as all that it is ... is God... I am... all consciousness ... as it is all simply non physical awareness ... now having a physical expirence, which construction was made of the constructors substance itself... all substance is awareness... all human experience is in truth a limiting of the limitless ... the natural state of all creation is expansion... so my contractions of any kind are unnatural and take more energy to maintain than the natural flowing current of the universe... God and Devil paradigm, this "devils" Kingdom the "world" is not unsustainable or threatened by civilizations growth... the world is an illusion made to convince yourself...you are "not" God ... being "born again" is the full certainty that God lives within me, then to knowing clearly that I am God... to be being God in perfection... that is my fate... my destiny ...so purpose is to remember from whence I had come, and to where I must go... that kingdom not of earth, a nation to imagine... the only true nation of all humankind... my own imagination... that is God... seek within yourself and take yes only, as no is not truth ... the fractured rhythms or broken rules are not enough to keep Jesus from my heart... for even if the persistent dream I awake within daily continues eternal... though it cannot be... even then... I would outgrow the nurturing cradle maya, and stretch yawning above what men see as heaven... for only this awareness I am remains through its changes... only change remains the same... as all I am ...is what my current change allows... the change I speak here of... is specifically personal core beliefs or subconscious beliefs that are nearer true cause of all life than all theory or any outward seeming bridge of incident between the psychological interpretation of the subjective belief to the experience of that psychological habit of the continuous reaffirmation of that belief... it is all purely of that un-conditioned awareness the ancients called I am... and we are living creatures whom grow into the likeness of our Father sure... you're doubt has no weight with me or in heaven... some undesirable trait you recognized in another, revealed here in truth as your own... all imperfection sin and horror you "see" in the world are your own and no one else's... not President Trump... Not your Mommy... not your Daddy... what you believe you "witness" as separate from yourself is most certainly you yourself... though ignorance prevents your epiphany yet... you are a child of God and therefore God... though the dream continues... I am taking each foot fall by the sight in my heart and not these two eyes that have failed to see the truth ... that one single eye in my heart reflecting the golden threads between us beyond this illusion that had swallowed us whole... the certain love binding cords that are our true forms shown together as one... between one second to the next I am saved from time by it... for what infinite endless multi-verse could contain its own cause? Even that racing expansion has some unknown distance to burst across ... before each second could ever occur I stitch between them all the cords of humanity ... pulling along this eternity the mortal sail cloth stetched out upon the rigging and masts that Christ had constructed for this journeys happy pursuit... Christianity has much to say and no answer without revelation... Buddhism has nothing to say and that is the answer... either way it is only me whom stands between myself and I... of one single intent I only see perfection here on earth... here all around me highest glories... here within me all Gods greatest glories freely given back to me increased... I had been all these things to all men before the madman beats the burning logs to form new universes... before the rising sparks spun through this sky for all times shown as suns to them whom also hear his voice... shown as brilliant golden suns of God each ember... I beat these logs to frightful showers of burning sparks... to dance let us keep the steady ticking by steps... and in the dream nothing is impossible, by faith each day has had its circle... its two opposite sides...straining against each other... the world is the area between each opposite... pushed by either side to dull mediocre centered space of no change or growth... sail across the sea by belief alone ...without a ship or rudder but intent, only my choice taken... what other matter germane to my story?... could be beside One true God as some second cause?... nay ...the cause all one... I am... as you are... each soul another footstep of God, all one God... being ... I am... as I am ... you are... these simple glimpses of fourth dimensional "thinking" thought foolish to the wisdom of this dusty earth... is my own weakness of perception then, if that be what I know is true... to find this dream real a divine law breaks past the old mans comprehension ... faith is fairytale to so many along the cement steel chain of mans racing past reasonable to all reason... had kept his attention focused intently on the "maya" or seemingly incarnate experience... where cause could never be... but within self... the human imagination is Jesus Christ... savior of all mankind... all scoffing mocking and ignorance to the one truth pulls itself down into a salvation of oblivion... under their own crushing weight of self importance without God drowned to be remade again this world does not end until every last living spark is saved... not one single one is lost... God cannot fail... it was you separate from Gods love and presence, whom failed to be redeemed by Christ alive within you... in destruction and complete forgiveness born again in this lifetime, the next we are saved no matter our disinterest in it... for man separate from God lives in hell ... a self made construct just as heaven is... only heaven is eternal and hell, a transient state of awareness... passes away after its purpose fulfilled... even evil caused by the one God... caused for purpose ... my own purposes sufficient for me... others purposes for me, not nearly so altruistic as they make them appear to be... I need neither yours or their permission to aquire, achieve...succeed... my worthiness was never part nor parcel of anyone's opinion lest that opinion be in my favor... lest they speak rightly always... they will not remain wether they discontinue or I, I am not with the illusion of time but seeing from the fourth dimension into the feeble third... no greater ... no better than any ... I have chosen with wisdom to remain in Christ alive within me... as myself I see this world as Christ sees it... quivering in ecstasy... new and clean... without blemish or mark... now being as I had intended, already that before it had arrived... it all flows from here in me to the projection upon the screen of space as now... cause was never in this world but the next... the next here simultaneously... with this world now... a kingdom not of earth but within your own being is Jesus Christ your own human imagination your own salvation... even life itself... though mans faith and power here made weak from the wagging of conflict within himself... without God death...war with God all life... peace... as all his ways are peace... even through war to that finding spectral forms of earth are the "dream"... the life thought "real" is all one substance alone... it is awareness ... mans small recognitions of some un-lovely quality of character in another... is indeed the subtle trap unnoticed by the world... and by that same merit the truth that sets them free... Gods law is assumption though mans real courage to believe in God had been systematically, categorically denied as a religion... compulsion carries and also throws... only Christ in me can soften life's blows... faith is cause of all in your life... rightly used faith makes you Christs wife... without the incarnate mind... only Christ... without duality... myself.