

Spectral Detective part 1
It was when I was young and really, I never knew fear, but I was up one night and it was dark and I couldn't go back to sleep alone. So I made my way downstairs quick as I could down the steep, creaky stairwell of our handmade home to my mother's room.

She had her small bedside lamp warmly aglow but she herself was asleep by her bible. quietly I cuddled by her back. "you alright, sweetie?" she softly stirred, "yeah, mama, just couldnt go back to sleep upstairs" "it's alright sweetie, just keep saying thank you to Jesus" "alright mama." She went back to quietly breathing. I took comfort in the warmth, light and faith in the words, "thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus" and gently fell back asleep.

In my dream, I'm walking alone through the snow down a familiar road. It's cold, and dark, but I can see around me, pure white, endlessly grey sky, and the ocean softly churning along the dark beaches to my left, the dark, cold lake water surrounded by white brush to my right.

It's tense and I want to go home. I try to run, but it's difficult and with each step the road seems longer. A low grumbling gravely voice comes from behind me, "run, child, I'm behind you" and a horrible laugh. In my mind I ask who is that, "the Devil" it answered aloud. I turn around, and there's the big hill I know is there, swallowed by the dark woods, canopied in white heavy snow, but on the ground, bloodred foot prints the shape of an oversized chicken's foot, with four toes and talons.

It's like I'm trying to run paralyzed now, and it's so difficult, and I'm trying to cry out, but no words escape, and I think I can feel the creature catching up behind me... and I wake up just by opening my eyes.

The light is still on, but so is the small television on my mother's dresser, softly hissing static. In green the numbers 666 keep flashing, as if she was asleep on the remote. At 11 years, I was old enough to know the signifigance of the numbers 666, but also old enough to be skeptic of it. Although, the coincidence of the dream and the numbers seemed too uncanny... no. I know for a fact my mother sometimes sleeps on her remote. I thought little of it and began to drift off again to the constant soft static. A sudden, "mrreeeow" yowling outside my mothers window caught me just before casting of conciousness, and I thought, " whose cat could that be?" Whatever. I fell back asleep.

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