

Her Love his loss
A tear dropped from her cheek, but it isnt the first time, as her life was slowly crumbling to pieces she had no one and no hope apart from him...
He was the schools popular boy...
It was a love and hate relationship until he was grounded and no one thought about him but her.
She would go and see him everyday no matter what rain or shine and they would sit outside his garden for hours and hours talking, it was the only thing she enjoyed about her day, with him she escaped reality...
He was grounded for atleast two weeks for being caught with drugs by his parents, but no matter what he did or who he was she still lived him she always has and always will.
But anyway one night she went to see him it was around 6:00pm, and like always they talked and talked then they started to play fight and him being stronger he ofc accidentally hurt her,
He pulled her in for a hug and cuddled her too make sure she was okay, but then suddenly he was leaning in for a kiss... She swerved him.
Him feeling embarrassed because no ones ever swerved him before he seems confused, she just laughs and says "im not that type of girl lmao we're not in a relationship so I aint kissing you". He turns away embarrassed, she says "you dont like me anymore do you" still laughing he said "maybe that made me like you even more", she blushed.
It got later on in the night they would cuddle and playfight over and over then it was around 10:00pm, she was meant to be home at 8:00pm, but she loved spending time with hin so she didnt care about the consequence,
He says "its getting later you should get home" she replied "I know" but she couldn't stop gazing at his piercing blue eyes they were cuddling whilst they were in this trance, then once again he leant in and tryed to kiss her again, but this tine she kissed back...
She couldn't resist him.
They pulled away and smiled its was around 10:30pm now and she knew she was in trouble...

© Ezz