

Drisha's Ceaseless Story
There was a girl named drisha, who was 16 years old and she was from a middle class family.She always wanted to be an all rounders that's why she used to sing, dance, write, read, play, art,craftetc.Drisha was not perfect in everything but she always try to become perfect in all that stuff.Whatever she used to do,she used to do it very privately. she always thinks I'm perfect in my imperfections, secure in my insecurities, happy with my choice, strong in times of weakness and beautiful in my own way I'm myself. She had countless desires,despite of being so obsessed; her parents and society thinks she is worthless, they always used to say that kid why are investing your precious time in all that useless tasks just try to focus n concentrate on studies. Sometimes their taunt, scolding and poking irritates her a lot but she always used to ignore. From inside she was not at all happy though she knew everything and love to do it basically she was very upset by the comments of everyone that "look at your ugly face hahah, hello fat soo,dumbo, hey miss introvert,arrogant,egoist,stu-pid, her hairs doesn't always stay in place, she spoil a lot of things, pretty clumsy, ugly sister, horrible daughter, she is not even a second choice, leftover, brainless, talentless one". The truth was that she don't have time to pay attention on her outer appearance or that so called Beauty and main thing she was introvert infront of extrovert but she was extrovert infront of introvert. Don't know why peeps always used to judge a book by it's cover. This body shamming, n all bullshit torchure was increasing day by day and then one day her moral become very weak, she had thought of taking a step forward i.e sucide because she was literally very tired, sad and mostly depressed now as nobody understood her n lastly she is no more now.... Sounds Sorrowful but it's our society bitter truth they always used to take people for granted. May her soul rest in peace. It's my kind and humble request please do appreciate people don't always criticise them because for you it takes only some seconds to criticize someone but for them it will take ages to forget that. Let's become happier together so keep loving and praising each other.
© navyapandey! $