

Who Am I
I am Commander Reznovski of the TSC International Militia. I enjoy Inspiring and Motivating those who need the push to move forward, although look for people to join the Cause to fight for a Better America and Although I have Russian blood within myself.

This country used to be a lot more than what it is today. The day September 11, 2001 happened the enemy won. After the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the enemy became victorious and once the Coronavirus is over the enemy that spread it would have continuously won, how ?

Since the horrific day on 9/11/01, this country has fell and if you look at us now, destroying Confederate Statues that we have used to inspire ourselves to be better than them, we are destroying what made this country, desegrating Abraham Lincoln's Statue based on a false history that not all schools teach correctly and the renaming of Military bases that is causing Military veterans to go crazy and Military operatives to forcefully resign. Let's not forget Dishonorably discharging black folks for over populating the Military.

So who am I, what do I do?

I am a Leader who is forging a Militia to be ready for the next civil war (which is currently brewing), preparing for martial law and preparing for anything that destroys our great nation.


What do I do?
I can't say who I work for, but I work in the Private Military & Security Industry, I have no prior military experience, but have worked side by side with men and women who honor their commitment to their Military Force and I have been trained by a Formal Russian Vympel Operator and MARSOC Operator.

Why do I enjoy Inspiring & Motivating others ?

Because life isn't like it was, when I was growing up. I raise my kids to be Warriors, instead of having a children's life. This is because from '87-'01, I didn't have to look over my shoulder or worry about some bad thing happening, since '01 that is all I've had to do, been jumped, stabbed and had my life threatened, it never used to be that bad, now there is government tyranny and brutality and policing going over their jurisdiction of the law. I'm training my kids to be Warriors and if they still wish to push the path I'm putting them on , great. If not though, at least they'll have the training that I did not growing up.

That's what I do and that's who I am.
Thank You...

Unit Commander
TSCI Militia

© Inspiration & Motivation