

Kumar and latha are brother and sister. there are very close. one day latha's friend call her. her friend tells 'please attend my marriage function'.latha is interest for attend her friend function. on the time latha request to kumar 'plz drop me at my friend function in tomorrow'. kumar said just okay.
The next day latha and kumar parents going to city for some business problem. kumar's father some responsibility to give kumar in yesterday. latha said to her mother 'mom I will go to attend my friend's function. kumar and me to go the function' she requested. mom accepted. her father, uncle and grandpa already to go. latha and kumar started to go the function. there are not eated. finally they reached the function. in the time kumar requcniged her father voice in yesterday.
Kumar requcniged her responsibility. that is her father bulit a small rama temple. those labers are work in the temple. they start the work at 9:45am in their village.her responsible is service to labours. Now the time is 10:15am . he warried to go the temple. he called her sister. sister's friend says 'stay offen hour ' .
Finally latha and kumar canvinsed her friend. they start return to home. in this time father is called to latha. father said 'where are kumar please send to temple. when did kumar not come in temple. labour to suffring of teas and water. please serve there. finally brother and sister to reached her home. kumar went to temple and served there and stayed in temple one hour.
At lunch her father, uncle and grandpa come back to home. father angered to kumar. father tells about responsibility. kumar corrected her mistake.