

passing through the broken bridges
a young sheep was born into a flock,not knowing it's destiny.in the primary days the sheep was
'apple of the eye' in the flock .every one adored and took care of her, she had play mates and all needed attention was given to her .slowly as the sheep began to grow the flocks attention decreased, but slowly she started attracting the eyes of the owner who wanted the wool , but she couldn't understand the greed behind his eyes . later her wool was removed. then she got a reality check .after that she became one with the flock and dimed her light . one day poor sheep caught the eye of a butcher but this time she was sure that something was wrong.she asked her companions
about the sheeps, who goes out of the farm but never comes back,no answer came .she was scared and timed because there was no one to guide her
in the situation .the day when the butcher came to purchase her she was forced to go, but she got a last and final chance to run as the owners hand were lose. she put her whole energy and ran as fast as possible away from the owner and the butcher ,"passing through the broken bridges" just to save her own life .
© roshi