

A MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The skies were clear and beautiful, as beautiful as the brown eyes that watched them from the window.
The birds hummed from a distance;flying above the trees that swayed to their song.
She felt like they did.
It all happened so fast,
It didn't feel real,
It couldn't be real,
Or so she imagined
But she felt the second, then the third and as the pain stung her face,she realized it was real.
She screamed then, her scream tearing through the entire house drowning the sound of the thuds.
Her cry bounced of the walls and echoed in her head. Managing to look between the hands she shielded her face with she sees it
She sees him
More kicks
More blows
More stings
But she can hardly feel it,as a warm saltiness fills her mouth and a dark quiet cloud envelopes her.
It spread through her....not pain..pain couldn't hurt that much...It was FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
Fire that had taken roots in the pit of her stomach, filling her lungs and choking her.
She shut her eyes tightly wishing to slip back into the painless state she once was.
But she only felt more fire,now in her head pounding as it spread throughout..so she lay still taking a painful breath after the other.....
The door opened then; she felt him without even looking.
RUN!!!!!!! GET UP AND RUN!!!!!!!!!!! her mind screamed
But her limp body could barely move......She barely saw through the film of tears that covered her eyes,but she could see his eyes
He slid in beside her then, his muffled voice hot in her ears
*It was a mistake*
*I love you*
The fire melted her heart then
And she believed
The rain came in torrents, loud and heavy..it slashed against the window almost angrily, her eyes were dry, clear and dry, the depths of her would broken and as dry as her eyes. Her body hurting in so many places, she couldn't even feel it anymore..she didn't think she felt anything anymore..she was now used to the pain.
How couldn't she? she thought almost laughing...
Mistake my foot!!!!
A mistake of 5 years!
The only thing she felt now was emptiness.
A deep hollow emptiness.
An as she hugged herself and stared at the rain she realized it.
The rain wasn't angry
It was weeping for her
For her and her unshed tears
The sound of his footsteps got closer, his heavy steps breaking the silence that had enveloped her...steps against the tiles scrubbed clean with her tears..she could feel his presence already choking her very existence...saying the umpteenth prayer to her God, she swallows taking a deep breath
Adjusting her grip, strengthening it on her means of liberation she runs her hands over the blade she had sharpened so vigorously..Hot tears burnt her cheeks as the hot knob moves..tears from eyes that have darkened.
But not from fear not this time...Not ever again.
ITS FREEDOM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!