

Human Nature .
It was a beautiful morning, Jenny got an email that was from a famous abroad company, the email was saying ---- ' Smith', the dealer or the owner of the company had accepted his proposal and ready to promote his company at international level .
Jenny was very happy.
He sent a reply as showing his pleasure and also invited him to India,
to show his companies popularity as well as he wants to introduce him among his rich friends and business partners...

Three days later, he got his reply. The dealer had accepted his request and ready for arrival on the next month.He just can't control his happiness. he was saying to himself ---
" I'm so lucky, I've a great destiny, I'm the best, I can do things better than anyone. he was singing - I'm the best, I'm the best ,I'm so happy today, I got that deal, I'm the one, Jenny the great businessman ....woo.... wooo...wow........ " .
He was busy in appreciating himself and enjoying his daydreamings but, something unwanted disturbed him ---
Good afternoon sir,
" What the hell, who are you spoiled it ?
I'm your manager sir,
What happened? He asked,
there is a letter for you, it's from a village.... manager replied.

Oh man, I told you these villagers, they're stupid people ,you awoke me for this ...
Sorry sir, manager replied,
Well, if you brought it then show it, what is it......
(The manager handovered it and leaved.)
after reading the letter he was thinking, " Louis..... I know him, 15 years ago I had met him ,he used to be my best friend and now he wants to meet me , I'm very sure he need my help , oh,h these foolish people, why don't they understand, they're stupid villagers, nonsense ..... what he thinks of him, why I waste my precious time over him, just because he would being my friend, oh really,....... oh, no, no, no, I can't let this happen..... he will also visit at the same time, the dealer will, ... if he introduce himself as my best friend, then.. the dealer may think that I also have these foolish, poor friends........ May he break the deal... no-no -no.. I must do something ___ ( he called his manager)... .

Manager : Do you call me, sir ?
_ yaa, do one thing , send him a letter on behalf of me, and write in it " Mr. Jenny had passed away 2 years ago , I know him, so it replied by me..... " said Jenny....
(the manager surprised to hear ,he said in a shocking behavior ) but sir, you are Jenny and..... do what I said, no more questions... now leave .
Sure sir ( manager replied).
Next day, a job needed person came to meet him for any job, Jenny consulted that person as his driver ......

One month later , when the driver was founded no-where ___ Jenny got a written notice ,it had written --- " I've learnt a very important lesson of my life in those days that is - The time and humans can never as -it- is and if a human is feelingless, then any hope is worthless , we'll meet soon . " it was written by the driver.. .but, he did't understand yet, the emotions in the letter, he just ignored it....

Finally ,the day had came, Jenny had invited all his friends and business partners in honour of him.
The moment, the dealer get- off the plain..... now, Jenny over-all shocked to see the person, specially when he introduces himself as Louis Smith, the owner of the abroad company. Now he got everything and regretting, but the Smith's words not in his favor, he said ," the deal was for
my oldest friend Jenny, who had passed away 2 years ago....... .