

I love you Dad!
when I see someone is suffering I remember everything happened with me and my family, I was a happy kid with other three sisters we are really a happy family, my father and mother were a great couple: my father was working all day and arrived home lately, but when he was us at holiday days he loved switching on music and dancing with us he was very lovely and we all loved his jokes and his nice humerus spirit, but only thing we didn't like about him that he was sometimes angry about us this thing made us scared about him.

Although that I felt like happy because he was telling that I was his favorite daughter because I look like my mum, he really loved my mum.

I remember when my mum was punishing me, he was always insisted to make me feel better and bought me my favourite candies to feel fine and joy.
One day he was relaxed on the bed then he started to smile and laugh, I asked him about the reason of his laughing, but he didn't answer me, he just told me that he remembered something about his work.

There were things beautiful between us arrived my brother and our life became more beautiful, he was our sweet heart....but everything is changed when came a day in which, my father wake up seak and so ill he couldn't move his hands or feet any more! he got paralis. It was an enormous choke.

since that day our life gets sad and depressed...for fifteen years my father is ill, my brother didn't see my father like healthy person any more.

On 15/5/2020 My Dad is dead difront our eyes we couldn't do anything except seeing him suffering due to couldn't take a breath! he got Faber and didn't want eat or drink anything. Every time I remember this accident become upset about our ministry of health because the rejection of the hospital to receive my Dad and made us to return back with our father. They let him die without help! Their justification was that they can't receive him because he has Corona virus Symptoms how selfish and heartless!

So my Dad isn't the only victim, there are many like him That our ministry can't help at least to send an ambulance with Mechanical ventilation system. But why we arrived at this point?!
Is this really a neglect of the hospitals or all the Egyptian infrastructures...the state leaves people daying at unequipped hospitals, while they building villages and palaces at "Al'almen" the new capital of Egypt. So what about Cairo and their people it becomes old now?!
lately I knew also that were three young doctors influenced by Corona vairus and the hospital rejected to apply on them the vairus test so they all dead, but in the same time all the ministry is standing with an egyptian actress who influenced by the same vairus and is 81 years old! so what is wrong and what is right, nobody knows! All the standards of this world are upstairs.

My father is dead in Ramadan" an Islamic month when Muslims fast" We are Muslims and praying for Dad we know very well that Allah is Rahim" has Mercy" we know that Allah loves my father to take him away from this suffering exsist at our life, we pray for my father to see the heaven that couldn't see in this coward life!