

Turn Back
Remember back when we were kids? Seems like a long time ago now. But funny enough it was alittle under decade. I was the short one then, always looking up to you..More ways than one. You actually kept my world together, kept it from burning around me. You were my best friend. We would dream big and talk about life. We would get political, and talk about religion. Yet we never had problems, issues that were easily resolved. Now is a different story. Times changed and we both treated each other shitty. I moved on and apologized, yet you held on to the past. Never gave an apology. Now it's strange..almost different. Was it because we grew up? Maybe. I understand that we both live separate lives. That we both put up with shitty worlds. Yet I learned how to embrace my world, learned how to make it a brighter place for me to live. A turnaround for my life, a point I needed before I sank deeper.