

"Be Like Water".....
I wasn't living in the U.S. for a few years when I was very little. I didn't experience the assassination of Kennedy, or Martin Luther King Jr. being aired on television, except while in another country.
I did however, witness an occurrence while still in Japan, that I will never forget.

"Popeye" was the nickname of a very large Black man who was a higher ranking military officer than my stepfather. For once! I thought to myself, we were going to socialize where there were other children in a nice family and I might be able to play! I was hopeful and excited!

Popeye was indeed a very large Black man. It was very nice to be invited over I thought. They lived in a nice home, and his tall, slender, blonde Caucasian wife was beautiful! Their twin daughters were also stunningly beautiful!
A bit older than I, I was mesmerized by their caramel colored skin, gorgeous bright green eyes, and kinky hair that was a darker caramel at the roots and gradually turned blonde on the ends. What gorgeous children!

There wasn't much time for us to get to know one another, or play. They had a routine in the evening, and I soon found myself included in it. I wasn't completely asleep when I began to sense a disagreement downstairs between the adults. It gradually got louder, and I soon realized that my stepfather was drinking (as usual) but if that wasn't enough of a disappointment, I soon found myself plucked from my guest bed and carried out to the little red Triumph after dark and in a hurry, almost as if there was a fire!

I didn't quite understand what the reason was, but understood enough that my stepfather was an ignorant, baligerant, drunk Bigot.
He had too much to drink, and was arguing with "Popeye" that his being Black was an unfair advantage to my stepfather being white!
It took very little time for Popeye to become offended and demand we leave his home that night.

I will never understand the ignorance of those who choose to be ignorant. If we are one human race on our planet, we will never survive if we do not understand that we all have the same color of blood running through our veins.

I don't agree with many things from human history, but instead of learning from our past to create a better future, we seem intent on creating even more division...then we have still not learned what we need in order to survive.

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