

A horror night
Right 2 'o clock, there was a very loud sound.
The window on the side of the room opened suddenly.
I woke up very afraid, my throat swelled with fear. As I lifted a glass of water. Someone laughed very hard & the glass slipped from my hand.

"A voice , no , a girl's voice", she laughed & said to me , "come down dear", "you are cordially invited here".😂
She spoke again, This time she shouted, "come down".

I fearfully got down the stairs . A shadow, yes, "that was the shadow", near the dining table, nothing was visible clearly.
I went a little ahead . There was the girl on the table. She was fully injured.
"The blood from her head was flowing profusely".
She stared at me, she came near me." I screamed".
Suddenly my eyes open.
"Thank God it was just a dream"😋
© Harshita Aggarwal