

Where do you want to be in the next five years
I honestly hate this question when being asked.
Because we humans focus on WHERE we are going to be in life, rather than WHO we wanna be.

I don't care where I am in life. jeez I gat no problem as long as am happy.
As long as I'm truly happy!

For instance;

I want to be a good listener, like my Mom.

I want to be happy as the little kids in kindergarten are, Because those kids are always happy.

I want to be loving and caring like my grandmother.

I want to be brave like My dad
All these moments defines us, we can never tell our future but we can always rewrite our path to success.

These are the things we should focus on, and not where.
Because we can never determine where in life we are going to be placed by life.
But we can always choose who we want to be.

© Zamsi