

The Hostel Days
People live the best part of their life in hostel days. A hostel is a place where they live without family with unknown people. As time goes unknown people become their friend cum family.

When someone enters the hostel for the first time they genuinely cry for their home and all the things they left out. They miss their childhood friends, and school- friends. They feel everything left of them.

Slowly they meet other people in the hostel, other hostlers make them feel comfortable in the hostel and help them a lot. They understand that it's good to survive there and start to join them for talk, walk and food.

Hostlers are another family for those who feel homesick and they genuinely care for them. And the best part of the hostel life is a genuine friend who always be with them who loves them a lot and who cares for them the most. It is not a hyperbole to say that the one is enough for them in the whole hostel.

With time they start to enjoy other hostlers' company. At the one-node, they make plans for hostel day outings, short trips, picnics, movies etc. They have made so many friends but that one will always stay in their heart. They return to their home with a mesmerizing and unforgettable box of memories.

© Jaya Tripathi