

the light
I hear someone calling my name as I walk through this field and stop between two trees. You would think that I would be so scared, but I feel at peace. I've lived my life, made some friends, had some kids, and married the love of my life. I have come to terms with the idea that it is my time. I hear the same person calling my name. A beautiful light appears and at first it is blinding. I try hard to see who is calling me. I smell a familiar scent. "Could it be her?" I think to myself. "After all this time, will I get to see her again? Is she here to greet me?" I hear footsteps getting closer from the other side of the light. I am standing there waiting. She calls my name once more, the sound of it is so sweet and kind. She reaches her hand out and I reach out mine. It is her! I couldn't be more excited to see her standing in front of me! I walk toward her and wrap my arms around her neck. It's been so long since I've seen my mother.