

When Love Dies (Chapter 14)
Raven and I spent the rest of the day laughing and having a good time. And we were gonna spend the rest of the night at the club. I put on my favorite dress and lended Raven a dress. We took her car. We drank and I felt kinda happy.. and of course Raven got wasted the first hour we were there. Raven convinced me to drink more and I did. "It's kinda loud do you wanna go outside Raven!?!"
"Do you wanna go outside!?!"
"Sure!" We stubbled outside. "It was way to loud in there. And it's still raining."
"I like the rain." I blew out a cold breath. The rain felt good, and sounded excellent. Raven leaned on me. "Thorn?"
"Yes, Raven?"
"Can you help me?"
"Help you what?"
"Hold my hair."I laughed. "Sure." I held her hair as she threw up everything she had. After a while we walked back to my apartment. We were soaked by the time we got there. She decided she wanted to catch a ride with her boyfriend so we said our goodbyes and she left. I sat on my counter, singing quietly to myself. I hit my head on the cabinet above me. And a glass came down and broke on my hand. "Ahh!" I grab my hand in pain. Blood comes through my fingers from the palm of my hand.
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