

Depression Kills, Talk to Someone Today.
It was a fateful year in 2019. There I was hoping for a wonderful year , it all started bad then I had hope life would get better but it rather got worse.
You know whenever we are in tough situations people will always tell us, pray about it, stay strong. But honestly speaking and from experience it's very hard to pray in such situations, because you keep thinking did God forget me? What crime did I commit to deserve all this?
2019 , started with my father losing his job ,then to my mother's business going down, we became financially unstable, bank loans , rent , tution and many other things. It was a real struggle.
There I was in my first year at the University struggling, it became worse when it came to the materials I needed, I sometimes ate one meal in a day , other times I wud just take a cupcake or a doughnut plus tea and that's how I would survive.
I had no one to talk to, my best friend was in a far away University and didn't really trust no one by then.
I gradually lost weight, but non of my friends cud realize that I wasn't happy. The only thoughts I had in my mind were, why am I even still alive, what's the meaning of life if you are suffering. I was too depressed and all I was thinking about was death.
But, one think you should know God can never abandon us, even at our weakest in faith.
So , on my surprising day, a friend of mine of the opposite sex, came and told me, I know you very well and I can tell that something is eating you up. He forced me into telling him what was the problem. He comforted me, encouraged me and told me to pray about it.. His approach, to the problem is what made me feel better, and let go of the depression. I also got back on my feet, pulled myself together and got courage to pray.

I encourage everyone depressed don't let it kill you , talk to someone today because you are not alone and don't forget to pray. I believe nothing lasts forever, as long as you give it an appropriate approach.
Thanks for reading, love you all.
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