

In today's generation, the number of suicidal cases are at its peak.
Humans need to understand that every problem comes with a solution to it sometimes it's easy to overcome through it and sometimes a bit tough but can never be impossible. That's how the universe works.
Recently we heard about the famous actor Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide. Was that a good decision? What did he got by doing this? Was his problems more important then his life? I don't think so. There can be no problem that has no better solution then a suicide. This might be a bit rude to my readers but I think this is a new trend we humans have found out to get rid of our problems. Not only this single incident but we have a lot of examples where people suicide sometimes it's a student who failed in his/her exams and can't bear the insult, sometimes it's a parent who killed himself because his son left him alone after he was married and got a new job, sometimes it's a common man who killed himself because for some reason his career is destroyed. There is so many other reasons to it. Is that enough to explain a suicide? Can't the student give himself/herself another chance try another time with more preparation and pass the exam? Can't the parent do something for their own living and live their life if their children are not helping them? Can't the common man start a new job a new start-up or even run a tea stall for his living? Of course it's way better then killing yourself.
Even animals and birds fight for their lives although they go through a lot of difficulties. They don't have a house to live, food to eat, schools to educate themselves or money to buy themselves anything of their requirements. At every point of life they run fly hide to survive for more one day but they never surrender infront of their problems. We humans need to learn these qualities from these creatures. We should not forget that we humans are the greatest invention of God and we should act accordingly. We are on this earth for a reason and ending our life without fulfilling it is no less than a sin. If this life is given by God then only he has the right to take it back. But many of us don't believe in god that's fine I guess but atleast we believe in human god's whom we call parents. Ignoring the spiritual talks if we are talking practically then our life is a gift given to us by our parents so how can we waste it by killing ourselves.
In simple words, suicide is no less then a criminal offence. Its not that I am saying your depression or your problems are worthless but if you are going through something that's non bearable then try to talk to someone share your problems with someone you think can help you. Try to solve your problems whatever it may be. Depression is the only reason of suicide. Depression means lack of mental peace. Before sharing our problems with our loved ones, most of us think that if we do so then there mental peace will also be hampered so it's better to keep it to ourselves. Yeah it's true their mental peace will be hampered because they love you so our problem is their problem but the way we think that by ending our life we will end the problem that's not true. Our problem might hamper their happiness but our death will surely kill it. And it's better to hamper their peace for sometime then to destroy their peace for the rest of their life. So I would like to request all of them who are depressed for some or other reason that please talk about it share it ask for help and do anything but not suicide. You may die and rest in peace but you are leaving behind people who will be no less then a living deadbody and trust me it hurts more then death. Even your soul can't rest in peace in the heaven if you see your people suffering on this earth.
In the end I would say that always remember your life is more important then your problems.
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