

A true friend
"I need the money back. Can't you understand? It's urgent and it's been more than a year. You also know I won't ask for it unless it's really urgent.", Kim messaged her friend sally.
" I'm really trying hard to arrange the money and right now I'm in my office and my boss isn't giving me the advance I've asked for.", sally texted back.
"See, please don't spoil our friendship like you did with Nancy. We all helped you at your hard times. But you left us all. You stopped talking to us all of a sudden. It seems like your boyfriend is everything for you. And I don't usually say much but today I'm drunk that's why I'm saying all this.", Kim replied after 5 minutes.
"I quit talking because I felt ashamed of always being in the receiving end. You all did so much for me and I wasn't even able to return the money you gave me a year ago. I was disappointed in myself.", Sally texted back and immediately a text came from Kim,"You won't ever find a friend like me. You ruined the bond we used to have and you broke my trust by lying over and over again. Return the money as soon as you get it and after that I'll let you be. I'll never text you and I'll not tell you about me getting married. Live your life the way you want.".

Sally read the text and tears welled up into her eyes. She felt like something had pierced her heart. She knew she had lied to her friend and had broken her trust. She wanted to tell Kim that the boyfriend she was talking about had left her and she was all by herself now. But what was the point of telling her? She won't believe Sally ever again.
Sally had always badly missed the days they had spent together. She thought she was a stupid to quit talking to her friends in the first place but somewhere in her heart she still felt that it was all right. That it wasn't a big deal. She have to learn to let go of people. She and Kim had shared a great bond for three years but that wasn't friendship because if it was true friendship, she won't had lied to Kim. She won't had to hide her problems.
Sally realised that it was just a good bonding. And because Kim had helped her, she was feeling indebted towards her. And she mistook that for friendship.
Just then Sally's phone rang and the caller ID said 'Amy', Sally's childhood friend. And as soon as Sally read her name on the screen a big smile appeared on her face. And that day she learnt the difference between a mere good bonding and a true friendship. Now she wasn't afraid to let go of Kim. She still felt bad for breaking Kim's trust but now she knew whom to treasure in her life.