

Death: Last minute

Rather to survive in a pain, I would like prefer sleep silently.
I can see barely my whole world kept busy judging by my karma, but still a person standing outside looking at me with a little ray hope, a doctor already confirmed about my death still she reassuring to herself nothing will happen with me.
Oopss.. this fucking life try not to lose my grip.
Exhaustion has come and gone, my body as dry as the twig that breaks beneath my next step backward.
At last, I call her by some practisoner
Meera.. last 2 minute can I borrow ?
She said ofcourse..
I want to go long walk with you, but death already knocking at my doorstep and
It quiets my pounding heart. "Sorry "
I already surrender my body to death, I wish could've back with you.
Tears of relief spill on my cheeks.

Thank you so much...
@priyadarshini panda