

POST COVID-19: Nigerian Music Market
A lot of Nigerian music artist do not see the music industry as a MARKET. Reasons why they get so comfortable in their space, feeling like the trend will live on for them.

Unfortunately, the Nigerian music industry is a hypercompetitive market with high unpredictability, and I would want to encourage especially famous music artists to enrol for Nigerian Music Market course. A topic for another day.

Now back to the topic for today, believe it on or not when this pandemic is over; they will be a change in the way music business will scale in Naija and even the world at large. As you know when the lock down is lifted, they might still be some restriction in gathering which will affect the major segment of music business. This means the music market will be more digital.

As an innovative record label or music artist, you should research and derive more digital strategies of scaling in your type of music because they new way of generating revenue will soon be more digital than you think as time goes on.

Also keep developing your skills and capabilities so that you can distinct in your type of music. This blue ocean strategy as it will help you be in an uncontested space that will in return will keep you relevant in the next decade. Lol… you will also keep having the highest market share.
Just a few words from Petercj.