

Thè mãgiçál bâñyāñ trèë
Once a man was in a situation to pass through a desert.After passing thrugh the desert,he saw a banyan tree.

He sat under it to take rest.He thought drinking water at the time.Then a pot appeared before him.

Then he thought of eating.Then he thought of eating.Then a plate of food appeared before him.

He thought how if he was sleeping at that time.Then a bed appeared in front him.

He didn't realise that he was sitting under a magical banyan tree.

Then he thought of his wife sitting near him.Then her wife also came infront of him.

Then he thought that his was a demon
and will eat him.

Then she changed into a demon and eat him.

Moral:We should not think negatively.We should think positively.

Too much of anything is good for nothing.