

The Story of An Unstoppable Slasher Psychopath Chapter 1
It was a morning like any other at New York City. At a hotel in New York lived a 32 year old man named John Fudo. He had never done anything illegal in his entire life. He was single and he worked at a pub. His job was to sell beer and whiskey. He himself doesn't drink though. Anyway that morning on the 12th of February 2017 he was getting ready for work early like any other day. After that he ate his breakfast and went straight to work. A few minutes later he arrived at the pub and he started to sell the alcoholic drinks. Later the boss, Mr Frank Wilson, called him to his office. Frank told John that the pub was closing and that he should look for a new job. Then John asked Frank, “When will the pub close?" and Frank replied, “Monday in 2 weeks” A while later John was back at his work spot selling drinks. He kinda felt a little disappointed. It was later getting late and just when he wanted to leave the pub one last person came in and asked for a beer. John grabbed a beer from a shelf behind him and gave it to the man. He told the man that the beer cost 20 dollars and the man placed a necklace on the table and ran out of the pub as fast as he could. He wasn't in the mood to chase the man so he paid for the stolen drink himself. He looked at the necklace. It looked very ancient and old. The necklace had what seemed like a 2000 year old piece of gold with a drawing of a upside down cross on. John just took the necklace and left the pub. When he arrived at his hotel room he got ready to go to sleep. Later he sat on his bed looking at that necklace for quite a moment. He closed his eyes for a split second and he placed the necklace on a small table which was next to his bed. He then went straight to sleep.
He was standing in a desert. It was dark and quiet. There was fog around the place. He all the sudden got visions. He first saw the number 3, then a beer bottle covered with blood, then the number 2, then a white dress also covered with blood, then the number 1, then a axe also covered with blood, then he saw the number zero and lastly he saw a graveyard. John all the sudden woke up. He didn't understand his dream at all, but he noticed that he was holding the necklace after remembering that he had put it away.

© The Sory of a Unstoppable Slasher Psychopath
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