

"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen.we arnt going to survive this time. she thought" not this time " this one was huge! her mind raced to think of any way of surviving this asteroid attack. but deep down she knew there was none.

she could see the asteriod above the horizon but she knew it won't be long until it hit earth
she was a newsreader who had currently reported the asteriods and there close misses to earth. every time an asteriod came near earth it was like. a gamble. though she new this was the one. sciencetists had predicted this asteriod attack was the one to finish humanity. though she didn't quite know if she was more comfortable knowing when she would meet her end . she always knew she would one day have to leave earth. . but she never thought it would be this way. tears were filling her eyes as she stood straight looking up to her doom.
she just wanted it to happen quickly. just to pass . to just. quickly be done with and take her life. . She understood and was willing to accept.
this was DoomSDAY