

nothing last forever
walking dirty sweaty, and tired….
for the women who are out there
with no stop to the way men treat them….
I hope there is that man that wants nothing evil
in return but your well being in you finding
the peace that defines your new start…..
you never know what is hurting her….
your gentleness doesn’t mean she’s weak minded….
she’s brave she has a heart on fire…..
she can be a mother and a fighter….
she walks thru the night with no money or a place to call home….. she done the best for all yet, the best of those have not been found for her at all….
she is in pain tonight, she is always in pain all her life…. her smile is the numbness to it all, her home looks like a haunted house….. the gates look like a way to heaven….. I want to know if she’s okay, I want to know, if your gonna be alright…. you have a wicked mind…. it is one of a kind…. these days feel like we are walking on landminds…. one moment we are in peace an in the next crawling thru the mud…. an our emotions can be the sting from the barbed wire…..
keep your head up…. the truth is out there…..
nothing last forever……
© Eyesinthedark