

Dreams of You

As she drifted off to sleep, Ice's mind wandered to him. Moonlight, her lost love, who had left her side too soon. But in her dreams, he was always there, his gentle touch and loving gaze still felt.

One night, she dreamed of Moonlight sitting beside her, his fingers weaving through her tangled locks. He gently adjusted her hair, his touch sending shivers down her spine. With precision, he tucked a stray strand behind her ear, his eyes filled with love.

When Ice woke up, she reached for her hair, expecting the usual morning mess. But her hand froze. Her hair was styled exactly as Moonlight had done it in her dream. The same subtle sweep, the same delicate tuck. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.

In her dreams, they were still together. Still in love. Still laughing, still exploring, still living. And now, it seemed, still connected in ways she couldn't understand.

As the days passed, Ice found herself looking forward to sleep, to the moments she shared with Moonlight in the realm of dreams. There, they were free from pain and loss, free to love without fear.

In the waking world, she went about her days with a quiet sense of peace, knowing that in her dreams, Moonlight's love remained, a constant presence, a gentle touch that lingered long after she woke.

© moonlight_Ice