

Chapter Thirty-Two
Lana's P.O.V

He placed me down on something soft.

"Is...Is this a bed?"I asked.
"Maybe," He said.
"Why would you want to do this to me?"I asked.
"Because I want to see Nathan Angry at me, don't worry I'm not gonna touch you inappropriately again. Instead, I'm going to hurt you. That way it'll be more fun to kill him" he said.

He pulled me up so I can sit and untied me. I was about to take the blindfold off but he grabbed my arm tightly It felt like his fingernails were Piercing true my skin.

"You're hurting me," I said.
"I know that, "He said.
"I didn't mean it literally, "I said.
"I know, and I'm enjoying it," He said.
"Ah! Stop!"I said.
"Why would I?"He asked.

I'm pretty sure that three of his fingers are in my hand right now.

"You said this would make Nathan Angry after all," He said.

He removed his fingers and was quiet for a minute or two.

"I just read Olivia's Mind, She's here with Nathan," he said.

He grabbed me up I'm guessing he's walking somewhere he was just pulling me along.

"Are you bringing me to him?"I asked.
"Not really, "He said.
"Are you going to kill me now?"I asked.
"Yes," He said.
"I don't believe that, "I said.
"And what makes you think that?"He asked.

He took the blindfold off and opened a door that leads outside. I had to squint my eyes a bit.

Nathan had quickly grabbed me from him since I was now standing beside him.

"What happened?"He asked holding up my bleeding arm.

Before I got to answer I realized that I was now standing beside Jace.

"Why would you do that?"I asked.
"I have orders," He said.

I was now standing beside Nathan.

Can you both please stop?

"I would, but I can't do that," Jace said whom I was now standing beside.

I looked at Nathan he was just a few feet away.

His eyes were red.

I looked at him and slowly shook my head no.

He looked at me and sighed before his eyes had changed back.

"Will you both stop, it's confusing," Olivia said.

Jace held up my bleeding arm to his mouth and licked my blood off staring right at Nathan.

He got mad again as his eyes changed.

"Nathan? Nathan! Don't do it!"I said.

He ignored me and attack Jace. All I can see is a blur. I heard lots of grunting. Until I say Jace flying in mid-air. Nathan must have thrown him or something when he fell, he landed on his feet like a cat and went back to attack Nathan.

The frick! I don't even wanna know.

I was right, Nathan is a whole lot stronger.

Mark, Candy, and Kylo dashed over to me.

"Let's go," Candy said.

Before one of them could pick me up, I'm guessing that Jace came and attack them all.

One on Four??? Is this boy crazy!

"Maybe" He whispered in my ear before going back into the fight.


"Stop reading my mind!"I yelled.

Someone slapped me in my face. It was Olivia


"Since both Jace and Nathan are busy and everyone else who can protect you. I'll just have to kill you here."She said.

I backed away from her.

"Nathan loves me and only me," She said.
"Did you know he was watching me since I was ten?"I asked.
"What are you talking about?"She asked.
"Nathan has been watching me since I was ten," I said.
"That sounds weird and people call me crazy," She said.
"He was dating girls before and after Since I was young. You just happened to be a girl who was kind of like me except that your Crazy, but Nathan didn't love you as much as how he loves me."I said.
"Interesting story, Except that I don't believe it, "She said.
"Your brain is just focused on things you can't have so, therefore, why would you?"I asked.
"Has he ever told you he loved you?"She asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Has he ever propose to you?"I asked.
"He told a pretty interesting story that he did," She said.
"To hide the fact that he was still watching me, also if you love him so much why'd you cheat on him?"I asked.
"I'm not talking about that with you," She said.
"Have you ever even heard his heartbeat?"I asked.
"He doesn't have one! He's dead!"She said.
"Well I have, and he seems pretty much alive to me," I said.

She got mad at me and dragged me by my hair inside the house throwing me to the floor.

"And now, you are planning on killing me, let's say your plan worked and you killed me what are you expecting to happen? Do you think that Nathan is just gonna somehow love you? Do you think that you'll get what you want?"I asked
"Do you ever shut up!?"She said angrily
"I can, but I love talking to you. I have a feeling that every word I'm saying is just sinking in your head" I said.
"What I like about you is that I can hurt you as much I want and even if you tried you won't be able to do a single thing about it because you just are too good at caring. I find it weak and pathetic" she said.
"I'm not weak nor pathetic", I said.
"Are you sure because Alex called you that, and-"
"How do you know about Alex?"I asked.
"Jace, he saw the whole thing... including what happened to Nate....anyway as I was saying you are a really weak little innocent girl. Having Nate protect you all the time, and your friends but they're all busy right now."

She sighed and walked over to me

"So I can kill you without having someone interrupting," She said, she kicked me in my stomach.

I groan a bit.

"With you out of the picture, everything will finally go back to normal," She said kicking me again.


"Oh my god, your super crazy!" I said getting up.
"What did you just say?"She asked taking a knife from a table that was close by.

"There is always a weapon. You pulled that out to make me feel scared."

I sighted.

She threw it at me I screamed and ducked I turned around and it was in the wall.

I got up.

"You could have hit me!"I said.
"I was trying to!"She said.
"Well you didn't, "I said.
"How are you so calm!!"She yelled.
"I don't know I guess I'm used to," I said.
"You're starting to annoy me right now!"She said.
"Yeah I can tell, are you now bored? oh good! Well, I'll go get my friends and my husband now, bye!" I said.

The door opened and Rosa walked in with her phone up. I'm guessing she's making a video.

"Oh thank God no one is killing each other in here, unlike outside," She said.

She walked over to both of us.

"Now go on and do whatever you were doing pretend that I'm not here," She said.
"Are you crazy or something?"Olivia asked.

I started laughing.

"What's so funny?"She asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"Come on guys, I know this is not what you were talking about before. Where you two arguing?"Rosa asked.
"Yeah kind of, she still thinks Nathan is in love with her, "I said.
"He Is!"She yelled.
"Right now you sound like a child rather than an adult," I said.
"How old are you?" Olivia asked.
"Eighteen, my birthday was yesterday, "I said.
"That day before your wedding," She said.
"I wasn't planning on getting married at seventeen," I said.
"how old are you Olivia?"Rosa asked.
"I'm twenty-two," She said.
"Why don't you try and move on from Nathan?"Rosa asked.
"because no matter how hard I try I can't stop loving him I moved to this place just for him," She said.
"But he doesn't feel the same way," I said.
"He can!"She said.
"But there is someone who loves you," I said.
"Who?"She asked.
"I can't t for sure, he'll have to tell you himself. Olivia, I think it's time you now realize that you and Nathan have broken up and that there's no more chance for you, you need to move on, just like he did"I said.

Olivia didn't say anything.

She folded her arms and looked away.

"Fine, you win," She said.

I smiled.

"Let's go," I said.
"Okay," she said.

The both of us headed for the door, before we got outside Olivia hit Rosa from the back of her head knocking her out, and grabbed me towards her holding a knife to my throat.

"Seriously?"I asked.
"Yes, did you think you could talk me out of not doing something?"She asked.
"It was too good to be true," I said.

Jace if you're reading my mind right now. I think you should tell Olivia that you like her. I feel stupid talking to you like this but seriously would you rather watch the girl you love fight over some guy she can't get or would you rather have her be fighting over you. If you keep the fact that you love her to yourself there won't be a chance for you.

Olivia opened the door and pushed me outside.

"And now to kill you right Infront of Nate," She said.

I felt the blade of the knife touch my skin.

Candy, Mark, and Kylo were on the floor groaning, but Nathan was still fighting Jace.

"Wow! I didn't realize that there was so much blood dripping from my arm. Maybe to a Vampire, it tastes sweet. But I wouldn't know."I said.
"What are you doing?"Olivia asked.
"Nothing, Life is over for me anyway. Nathan gave me the best present of finding my mom. And you knocked out Rosa when I was just beginning to ship her with Kylo. Now you're planning on killing me in front of Nathan. I'm sorry Jace. Olivia Jace has a crush on you but you wouldn't care since your too busy for Nathan" I said.

I reached for her arm that was holding the knife.

"Just kill me and be done," I said pushing her arm down a bit as a tear ran down from my eyes.

"You'd be happy with Nathan even if he'll only be sad around you all the time because I died. A one-sided love relationship. Meh sounds like fun. Jace gets heartbroken Nathan is sad for the rest of his life. That future seems so bright and sunny" I said.

The both of us got separated from each other. Nathan took me and Jace took Olivia. Once I realized that I was in Nathans's arms I started crying in his chest. He hugged me.

"Why are you crying?"He asked.
"Because I thought it was the end and my stomach is hurting me," I said.
"Lana no one is ever going to take you away from me, also why is your stomach hurting you?"I asked.
"She kicked me and I had to tough it out but it hurts, "I said with more tears.
"Oh! Don't worry you'll be fine" He said.
"I know," I said.

I looked up at him and he wiped the tears off my face.

"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," He said smiling.

Olivia groan, She stormily walked back into the house and came out with a wooden stake.

"Olivia you don't have to-"

She stabbed him.

Jace was trying to talk her out of it but she stabbed him in his chest but not his heart.

He grunted and pulled it out.

"I'm sorry..."She said with a worried look on her face.
"I'm sorry," She said again tears were forming in her eyes As he put both hands on her head.
"Jace," She said.

Then they both left.

"What's gonna happen?"I asked.
"That depends on him, maybe he'll kill her forgive. I can't say"Nathan said.

I went inside the house and helped Rosa up.

"Are you ok?"I asked.
"I feel a bit weird um.... is my phone ok?"She asked.
"What?"I asked.
"Is my phone ok?"She asked again.
"I heard you the first time," I said.

She picked up her phone and the both of us went outside where Nathan was helping the others.

Later that same day.

Finally out of that dress and bandages and rollover grease on my arm. I collapse on a sofa beside my mom.

We had a sad conversation before I changed.

"So what is he?"She asked.
"hmm?" I asked.
"Your husband, "She said.
"He's Nathan," I said.
"From what I've seen today I'm not sure most of the people in here are human," She said.
"He's a Vampire,"I said.
"Are you?" She asked.
"No,"I said.
"Are you planning on it?" She said.
"Maybe," I said.

I smiled.

"Lana, can we talk?"Nathan's mom asked who came out of nowhere my mom was shocked since she wasn't used to it yet.
"I'm kind of busy right now, "I said.
"Oh no it's fine," Mom said.
"Ok then, "I said.

I got up and walked away with her.

"Lana I'm sorry about that night. Seeing how much Nathan loves you today and all the times he's saved you. I feel like a really bad mom and I don't want to be that. So can you forgive me?"She asked.
"Yes I accept your apology," I said.
"Thank you, I'll be a really good mother-in-law to you," She said.

I got a sudden hug from Candy.

"I always knew you'd get married first," She said.
"I never thought I'd ever do, but I'm glad," I said.
"Also I'm sorry I only had time to take you to a spa on your birthday," She said.
"That's fine," I said.
"By the way, for your honeymoon, Nathan's taking you to-"

Nathan put his hand over Candy's mouth.

"Nowhere! I mean somewher. Just forget everything that came out of Candy's mouth and mine."Nathan said.
"Um, ok," I said.

He removed his hand from her mouth.

"I'll be right back, and I'll also be listening," He said.

Then he went away.

"Can you tell me where he's taking her?"Rosa asked?
"Are you gonna post it?"Candy asked her.

Rosa hid her phone that was in her hand, in her back pocket.

"I probably would," She said.

Later that night.

I was sitting in the middle of my bed one leg crossed over the other, A suitcase packed. But I wasn't ready to leave yet.

Maybe it's time I changed. I've given lots of thought to it. It's not only that I'll be able to protect myself or to never be in danger. I love Nathan and I don't want to die leaving him here. I'm not saying this because I'm afraid of dying, no one should be afraid of death when it's gonna come eventually. I'm saying this because of love. I want to be with him forever.

I smiled.

"Nathan!"I called out.
"Yeah?"He asked, now standing in front of me.

I moved over to went getting up on my knees placing my hands on his shoulder and kisses him.

"Are you ready?"He asked with a smile.
"No," I said.
"What's wrong?"He asked.
"I need you to do something first, "I said.
"Ok," He said.

I looked him in his eyes. I kissed him again.

"So? are you gonna tell me?"He asked.
"Tell you what?"I asked.
"What you want, "He said.
"Yeah, I want you to turn me, "I said.
"You mean, like me?"He asked.
"Yeah, I want you to turn me into a vampire," I said.
"Once I give you the bite everything changes, "He said.
"I know, "I said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"And I don't care, I just want to be with you, "I said.
"I'm going to miss having to protect you," He said.
"You still can," I said.
"Alright," He said.
"So you'll turn me?"I asked.
"Yes. I'll turn you into a Vampire" He said.

I was now laying flat on my back with him on top of me.

"It's very painful, you know?"He said.
"Are you trying to talk me out of it?"I asked.
"No, I would never do that. This is your decision and I've been wanting to turn you for a while. I'll taste your blood for the last time." he said.

His eyes were now red.

"I love you," he said.
"I love you, "I said.

Then I felt his fangs pierced through my neck. It was so painful I couldn't help but scream. He slowly moved his head away from my neck, it was burning. I felt like I was dying. Then everything went black.

68 years later.

"I still hate this"Candy said.
"We know,"We all said.
"Well it's our first day at our new school," I said.
"I still want to kill everyone, "Sophie said.
"20 years ago you killed 5 teachers in one day, The police did not understand, "Nathan said.
"Well we start tomorrow, so why don't we go hunting. Sophie, you need it especially" I said.
"Well it's not my fault I was born to kill, and human blood is my favorite," She said.
"We all drink human blood a few times you get it more, which I'm starting to not find very fair," Rosa said.

We were all lined up facing the forest.

Nathan, Candy, Mark, Sophie, Kylo, Rosa, Jace and I.

"Well I'm not wasting anytime here thinking about tomorrow, last person to catch something big has to do my homework,"Candy said running into the forest.

We all went in too.

Oh, and btw (by the way) Jace killed Olivia. The same day she tried to kill me. She made him angry at her for stabbing him and well he couldn't trust her anymore so he stopped loving her.

The only reason he now lives with us is because he had to teach me control. Turns out my eyes are burgundy.

The End.

© Kel