

There is a world outside your window
Once, a beautiful princess 👸 was born and raised in a castle 🏰 where she is guarded by knights and royal guards.. Only princes were allowed to visit her and she was never seen except once in a royal ball. She never left the castle because her father the king warned her not to "...its a cold and dangerous world out there..You're just safe within the castle, stay here until you come of age and you're strong enough" he said. Her window was her favorite place, she could sit by it the whole day, it was the only way to see the outside world, she could see the sun, the moon and the stars. She could see the birds as they flew freely in the sky and for once she wished she could be free like them, she could see the beautiful green garden from her window, she could feel nature's gentle breeze from where she sat.
She stayed within the castle because she wasn't allowed to go outside until sixteen. Now that she is sixteen and strong enough, she doesn't care about the outside world anymore. She says
".. there is a world outside my window, I want to go all out and see places, meet new people and do new things, I want to explore the world but it just doesn't bother me anymore because I'm now so used to staying indoors, sadly".
Just then, she saw a handsome young man and was startled by his princely appearance, she watched quietly as he sang and admired the roses in the garden not far from her window ".. He looks like a prince but I've never seen him before" she said, she smiled sheepishly while watching him ".. Oh and he's so handsome" she added. The young man looked up and saw that she was watching him from her window, he smiled and waved at her but she quickly drew the curtains and hid herself from prince charming..

© OtitiLizzy