

losing us
Chapter 1

“Amina,Amina” I heard Derby yelling my name from outside, “this girl won’t just stop being annoying. Must she always keep yelling my name like this each time she is coming here?” I thought as I stood up to open the lock on the door.It was a resting time after work to resume work again at night buh with this name calling from outside, I guess the resting must be postponed!
My name is Amina and this is my story.
“I almost thought you were not at home” Derby said as she stepped in side
“ I’m here.”
“then why didn’t you respond?”
“Derby for real? I told you million times to stop screaming my name from outside when coming here. I don’t stay here alone and you know it”
“ But that had been us since birth”
“ I know Derb, but we are matured now, we are in the university, things have changed, we ain’t kids anymore .”
“ yeah, you are right” that tone sounded like it was coming from a hurt soul, I felt it and closed my book to look at my best pal. I think I went too rough on her, time to fix things.
“ Derb I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” Derb hugged me and sobbed for a while. My best pal is a not a cool girl though, like really really cool like calm but just very emotional
After some time, she stoop up and headed to the kitchen “hope I will see what I’m looking for” she cheerfully asked and I felt relieved 😌
“ I got you covered” I said as I went back to my book (titled; my dream girl by Gladys Agbedanu)
A few moment later, she came back all smiling as she munch on her favorite yoghurt ice cream 🍨
“ care to join?” she invited and I declined.
unlike Derb, I’m really not a fun of cold things.
“Ami?” Derb called
“yes” I said closing my book to give her all my attention to avoid any argument
“how is Drek?”
“ he is fine”
“when was the last time you both talked?”
“this morning when I returned from work”
“oh okay”
“so ain’t you going to tell him” my hands feeezed halfway down the lane to picking up my story book again.
I turned and looked at Derb still with my hand mid way and asked “ tell who what?”
“Drek of course.”
“ tell him what Derb?”
“tell him how you feel! tell him that you love him” the only thing I could do is to look away

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