

....fated to meet you....

My father trained me as an animal.
he was out that day, he was getting drunk somewhere, he blamed me for being a coward for not saving my mom... for not doing anything but I resented and blamed him too , if he could have just been home maybe ... just maybe my mom could have been alive . But regardless of the resentment and hate.. I listen to him although he trained me like a dog and whipped me like a donkey .. I went on, coz at some point he was right , I was a coward and I blamed myself for just hiding that day. but now am ready . I have been training ten years for this, it's time my mother's blood is repayed.
..oga for oga ...

My father sent me on the field , he sent me to hunt and gather. I am the provider at home , it's just him and I and he would spend much of his time getting drunk, he can't beat me up and whip me no more coz I can stand up for myself now... but I still respect him. I went hunting in the big forest of astenia but it was my unlucky day, I did not find a prey, I gathered some fruits... I was worried coz my father wanted meat badly... Although I knew I can defend myself from his fists and he might not beat me up as how he did when I was a kid, he still is pretty scary when he gets angry.
As I was heading back home I saw a maiden running fast towards me , she had orangish brown hair , she wore a blue dress covered in glitter, she seemed afraid , tired and exhausted.
when she was closer to me she jumped ontoe and held my chest. "help"she cried , I looked forward and I saw a big boar chasing her, it had red eyes and it seemed angry...
"ouuu... this girl could be bones by now "I thought . I took my bow and arrow .. "thanks the gods I got meat" I thought again... I took a shoots , one at his side ... and another at his for head , and it was down.. the girl was behind me , she whimpered as she heavily panted . "thank you" she said
"it's okay... I needed meat anyway"
"ouu... okay.."
"will you let me go now"
she was holding my garmet tightly, she dint let go due to fear. it was annoying. I hated it when I saw someone afraid.
"sure" she said as she let me go
"great" I went for the boar, I cut of his head and carried the body on my back.
I begun leaving , I had to rush back home , I was late my father would have been so angry.
"hey, wait " the girl called
"I am Arya who are you" she asked"whats your name"
"you don't need to know me and if you believe in fairly tales , I am so sorry for I am no prince"
I then left "Arya, such a beautiful name, suits her" I smiled . She really was a beautiful maiden.

....to be continued....

© _rollen_