

The Ghost
On a silent midnight in the woods from no where came a lightning and destroyed a tree. Then, my uncle told us that we have to walk home as the car won't pass the tree. So I was really scared and we started walking into the woods. We were still alive after white shadow came and started taking circles around me and my uncle and it was too dangerous to go out of it as the shadow was moving really fast. Then it stopped and we made a run for it. we had to save our lives! the white shadow was chasing us and we made it out of the woods. it was still chasing us on the street. we took a motorcycle and started it. when it was really far from us we asked another person if he could see the shadow. Guess what? only we could see it! so then when it thought it was impossible to catch us it asked a black thingie. and that thing was unstoppable. so we were running and running for the rest of our lives!
#nottrue #ascarystory #awhiteshadow